Ann "Babe" Huggett
Still hope for the best? History tells us we'll change for the worst!
By Ann "Babe" Huggett
Now we know what it must have been like in 1933 for decent Germans during the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party. Ever since the unconstitutional communist coup of Obamacare passed earlier in the week, the full anger and fury of US socialists has turned on the last of the free-thinking, conservative holdouts, a.k.a. patriotic Americans. I am old enough to have seen this phenomenon in every country where post WWII socialism, in its various guises, took over.
In 2001 I wrote an editorial on what the socialists of the Labour Party in the UK would ultimately face if they continually accused concerned British citizens of parochialism, racism and bigotry when they spoke out against Labour's gross mismanagement and malfeasance coupled with its obscene immigration policies encouraging massive and uncontrolled immigration into the UK from hostile, aggressive, alien Third World countries. I predicted that as Labour continually smeared people of good will, these same people would not only vote Labour out of office but would gravitate away from main political parties to ones that would offer them acceptance.
Unfortunately, the Tories, like our own GOP failing to forcefully defend the TEA Party patriots, are currently echoing elitist and racist accusations as defined by Labour, so the only political parties left for concerned, patriotic Brits is either the lackluster United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) or the truculent British National Party (BNP), which is campaigning on British national pride and stopping/reversing immigration especially from Islamic nations.
The BNP is national-socialist, which technically makes it a later day version of the Nazi Party and is rapidly gaining in strength among British voters. It is leftist but it is identified as "right wing" in the media because of what is known as "The Brown Smear" that has been perpetrated on Western people ever since Stalin switched sides during WWII and threw his weight in with the Allies. The Soviets were international communists while the Nazis were national communists. It was inevitable for them to turn on each other but the Soviets cleverly got Western media to equate national patriotism with the BROWN shirted national socialists of Nazism.
The identification with American patriotism and Nazis went into full court press during the Cold War. It's why American conservatives are constantly referred to as racists, bigots and Nazis. "Left" and "Right," BTW, only means which side of the aisle one's political party was seated on in Parliament. That British tradition is all pretty much forgotten now as is the color association with blue for patriots and red for communists. Only in America is that color code reversed and that came about during Bill Clinton's 1992 US Presidential campaign when the Democrats abruptly switched from their normal red to blue and the MSM went right along with it. The GOP at the time complained but, hey, you repeat that lie long enough, it becomes the truth. And the MSM repeats it down to this day. Goebbels would be so proud...
As to the current smears...you and I know that they are lies and perpetrated by the Left but the MSM is dutifully repeating it even though the same MSM was remarkably silent over the actual death threats and vandalism the Democrats have perpetrated on Republicans and conservatives all along. How many "racial" incidents have there been over these last decades that were actually done by leftists themselves in order to inflame the nation? Like, maybe, 99.9% of them?
Projection of their own innate ugliness and evil onto us is what they are doing and it is what the Left does best because they are basically insane. Socialism is the denial of reality and human nature. Denial of reality is insanity hence syndicated radio talk show host Michael Savage's comment that "Liberalism is a mental disorder."
Next stop for the Obama regime is Amnesty in time for 30+ million illegals to register as Democratic voters come November. I have pointed out again and again in my BlogTalk Radio show, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Conservatism, and in my writing that the Democrats have been acting like they will NEVER be out of power. I figured voter fraud was their game but I was praying that they wouldn't follow the UK Labour Party's game plan of flooding the country with colonizers whose very abuses of the system will get you labeled a "bigot" if you dare to speak out against the purposeful destruction of your country's citizenship.
Anti-British Obama may be as disrespectful to the UK as he likes but socialists worldwide do play from the same game book. November 2010 is our last chance at the voting booth to return America back to a republic and away from socialism and the socialist elites in DC know it. Look for a rushed amnesty of the 30+ million illegals in this country to happen between now and then so that they will get full voting rights as "citizens," oh-so-grateful to the Democrats for the legalization!!!
© Ann "Babe" Huggett
March 26, 2010
Now we know what it must have been like in 1933 for decent Germans during the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party. Ever since the unconstitutional communist coup of Obamacare passed earlier in the week, the full anger and fury of US socialists has turned on the last of the free-thinking, conservative holdouts, a.k.a. patriotic Americans. I am old enough to have seen this phenomenon in every country where post WWII socialism, in its various guises, took over.

Unfortunately, the Tories, like our own GOP failing to forcefully defend the TEA Party patriots, are currently echoing elitist and racist accusations as defined by Labour, so the only political parties left for concerned, patriotic Brits is either the lackluster United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) or the truculent British National Party (BNP), which is campaigning on British national pride and stopping/reversing immigration especially from Islamic nations.
The BNP is national-socialist, which technically makes it a later day version of the Nazi Party and is rapidly gaining in strength among British voters. It is leftist but it is identified as "right wing" in the media because of what is known as "The Brown Smear" that has been perpetrated on Western people ever since Stalin switched sides during WWII and threw his weight in with the Allies. The Soviets were international communists while the Nazis were national communists. It was inevitable for them to turn on each other but the Soviets cleverly got Western media to equate national patriotism with the BROWN shirted national socialists of Nazism.
The identification with American patriotism and Nazis went into full court press during the Cold War. It's why American conservatives are constantly referred to as racists, bigots and Nazis. "Left" and "Right," BTW, only means which side of the aisle one's political party was seated on in Parliament. That British tradition is all pretty much forgotten now as is the color association with blue for patriots and red for communists. Only in America is that color code reversed and that came about during Bill Clinton's 1992 US Presidential campaign when the Democrats abruptly switched from their normal red to blue and the MSM went right along with it. The GOP at the time complained but, hey, you repeat that lie long enough, it becomes the truth. And the MSM repeats it down to this day. Goebbels would be so proud...
As to the current smears...you and I know that they are lies and perpetrated by the Left but the MSM is dutifully repeating it even though the same MSM was remarkably silent over the actual death threats and vandalism the Democrats have perpetrated on Republicans and conservatives all along. How many "racial" incidents have there been over these last decades that were actually done by leftists themselves in order to inflame the nation? Like, maybe, 99.9% of them?
Projection of their own innate ugliness and evil onto us is what they are doing and it is what the Left does best because they are basically insane. Socialism is the denial of reality and human nature. Denial of reality is insanity hence syndicated radio talk show host Michael Savage's comment that "Liberalism is a mental disorder."
Next stop for the Obama regime is Amnesty in time for 30+ million illegals to register as Democratic voters come November. I have pointed out again and again in my BlogTalk Radio show, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Conservatism, and in my writing that the Democrats have been acting like they will NEVER be out of power. I figured voter fraud was their game but I was praying that they wouldn't follow the UK Labour Party's game plan of flooding the country with colonizers whose very abuses of the system will get you labeled a "bigot" if you dare to speak out against the purposeful destruction of your country's citizenship.
Anti-British Obama may be as disrespectful to the UK as he likes but socialists worldwide do play from the same game book. November 2010 is our last chance at the voting booth to return America back to a republic and away from socialism and the socialist elites in DC know it. Look for a rushed amnesty of the 30+ million illegals in this country to happen between now and then so that they will get full voting rights as "citizens," oh-so-grateful to the Democrats for the legalization!!!
© Ann "Babe" Huggett
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