Lloyd Marcus
Biden throws blacks another racist dog biscuit
By Lloyd Marcus
January 23, 2020

As usual, fake news media ignored a Democrat irresponsibly throwing a racial-hate-generating grenade into a crowd of blacks. On MLK day 2020, Joe Biden referred to Trump as "this president and his Ku Klux Klan..." This is extremely evil when you understand that Biden knows his accusation is absurd and easily proven false. Biden thought he was simply throwing the dumb black congregation a vote-winning racist dog biscuit.

As a black and grateful proud American, it turns my stomach the way Democrats repeatedly pander to us, pretending race relations in America have not progressed beyond the 1950s.

Irresponsibly, Hollywood, public education and fake news media join Democrats in selling black America their absurd lie that America is a hellhole of racism, overrun with white supremacists and KKK members. It is all a huge scheme to keep blacks believing they are victims, voting for Democrats to keep rabid racist white America at bay. This Democrat lie is insidiously evil and destructive when you consider that America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams.

Not only are Democrats not concerned about strained race relations, they thrive on it. They seek to create as much racial division and hate as possible.

On the anniversary of the shooting in Ferguson Missouri, Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren despicably ran to microphones to proclaim that black Michael Brown was murdered by a racist white cop. This is a bald-faced lie, proven untrue by evidence presented to a grand jury. https://nws.mx/2DLqM9E Throwing her racist dog biscuit to blacks was Warren's evil cold and calculated campaign trick to win black votes.

Folks, this evil Democrat lie that Brown was shot in cold blood by a racist cop has caused many of our brave men in blue to be ambushed and assassinated across America in revenge. Warren has zero compassion for the fatherless children and widows created by Democrats' Brown-was-murdered lie. This serial-lying wicked woman must never come anywhere near the seat of international power.

Because I am an outspoken black Christian, conservative and Republican, white Democrats have freely called me a stupid n***** all over social media for decades; even threatening my life.

It is not a stretch to believe they use the same vitriolic language at their high-dollar-fundraiser cocktail parties. We got those n*****s right where we want them. Blacks are only 13% of the population which means white America obviously elected Obama two times. And yet, we successfully convinced stupid blacks to believe a majority of white Americans would never vote for a black man to be leader of the free world.

I have been confronted by brain-dead black Democrat loyalists who call me an Uncle Tom for rejecting the absurd Democrat narrative that somehow Obama was elected under the radar of white America.

How long will Democrats get away with playing us blacks for a bunch of useful idiots every election cycle; throwing us racism dog biscuits to keep us lapping around at their feet for more as they pet us on our heads for good luck?

A caller on the Rush Limbaugh radio show said Conservatism is really about love. I could not agree more. I became a conservative decades ago because I embraced Dr Martin Luther Kings Jr's dream that people should be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. I connected with Ronald Reagan's call for all Americans to be the best they can be.

I rejected Democrats' message of victim-hood-ism, class envy and racial hate. Democrats are more determined than ever to punish the hard work of Peter to gift the fruits of his labor to lazy trifling Paul. Insanely, they even want to give Peter's hard earned money to illegal aliens.

Rather than relentlessly instilling hate and victim mindsets, Conservatism encourages and celebrates all Americans becoming their best.

Democrats have been deceiving blacks for 50 years, throwing them racism dog biscuits. Due to their faithful monolithic voting for Democrats, blacks are suffering big-time in Democrat controlled cities; epidemic school dropouts, high incarcerations, high fatherless households, generational poverty and record-breaking black on black homicides.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is on the campaign trail claiming the most black-power creating president in U.S. History is the leader of the Ku Klux Klan. Not only does Trump have a long history of hiring, empowering, advocating and promoting blacks, his presidency has black unemployment at its lowest in U.S. History. http://bit.ly/32VA6Sk

How many stupid blacks will stay on the Democrats' plantation, believing Biden's outrageous lie that Trump is a n*****-hating white supremacist? My fellow black Americans, please stop scarfing up Democrats' racist dog biscuits.

Trump is offering blacks "real" hope and change. C'mon, black brother and sister Americans. It's time to get onboard the Trump Train. http://bit.ly/2st37bZ

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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God instructed Pharaoh, "Let my people go."
God instructs us,"Let my people know." Spread truth.

© Lloyd Marcus


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Lloyd Marcus

(Lloyd Marcus passed away on July 24, 2020. His obituary can be read here.)

The UK Guardian declared prolific writer, singer and songwriter Lloyd Marcus the Tea Party Movement's most prominent African American, seen on Fox News, CNN and more. Rejecting hyphenating, Marcus is renowned for proclaiming, "I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus, AMERICAN!!!"... (more)


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