Desmond McGrath
Dear Globe and Mail
Re: Dear America: Please don't vote for Donald Trump
By Desmond McGrath
November 6, 2016

This opinion piece just shows what a pathetic propaganda rag you have become.

When I first saw this I thought it might be some brilliant satire along the line of "Whatever you do," cried Brer Rabbit, "Don't throw me into the briar patch," or how to get recalcitrant idiots to do what you want. But then I noticed you were complaining that that Donald Trump had taken over prime time and worried that he was on the verge of being President, and like loyal Obamabots offer the video Obama: Trump would put 'republic at risk' (AP Video)

Along with other mindless drivel like:

In the U.S. and Canada, the founders always feared a Trump Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016.

Obama worried black vote is not solid enough for Clinton Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016.

Trump's strategy: Pull the fringes into the centre, and mainstream extremism Thursday, Nov. 3, 2016.

Then I see you complain that "every candidate gets his 15 minutes. So you gave Donald Trump 15 minutes. pretty soon, he'd taken over prime time. And now he's on the verge of being elected President." But you do not do any Journalistic expose on the WikiLeaks releases that show abject collusion on feeding of debate questions to Hillary Clinton to make her look practiced and presidential. Nor do you expose the completely rigged DNC nomination process that shafted Bernie Saunders. Or offer any press coverage on the extent of collusion between the Clinton campaign and the former fourth estate, the Free Press, now exposed as a fifth column operating to destroy the Republic. So it is my opinion that filling your pages with ink, the internet blogs with content and the airwaves will all things anti-trump to promote Donaldphobia is actually a strawman to avoid talking about the rats nest of interrelated scandal and criminality that surrounds the Clintons like rats at a dump.

Have you have deliberately spent so much time focusing on Donald Trump's creative proclivity of expressing what the disenfranchised masses are thinking and feeling, solely to divert attention from the rock that has been overturned by WikiLeaks exposing the hidden vermin that are actively bent on destroying the Republic.

If this was deliberate then "Cui bono": are you or your puppet masters, personally benefitting from this financially or Ideologically?

You seem to forget that this collusion between the DNC and the Media was evident over 4 years ago in the Obama/Romney debate see: "Moderator Crowley helps Obama rebut Romney on Libya"

Then you have the audacity to say:" This U.S. election, unlike any since the Second World War, is white knuckle time for the rest of the world. Foreign governments don't want to interfere in your democracy, so they can't say what they really think about Trump. But we can. We're terrified."

Really!! Where was the Globe and Mail when the Obama Election campaign team was actively interfering in the Israeli (The "Anyone but Bibi" mission) and Canadian federal elections.? What about the people or Egypt who lived through the terror of the Muslim Brotherhood foisted on them after the Obama world apology tour? Or the people of Libya who once enjoyed the highest UN Human Development index in all of Africa only to now live in fear of the Islamists fomenting civil war and a plummeting quality of life and HDI, after Quadaffi was deposed by Hillary Clinton/Barak Obama (Funny propaganda mills like yours never talk about Libya anymore?) Or the fear that Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty felt after being ignored by the Hillary Clinton State Department for months and then Hillary blaming Benghazi on a video to the gullible public while telling her family and Egyptian/Libyan officials the truth?

Emails obtained by Judicial watch showed that "After consulting with General Dempsey, General Ham and the Joint Staff, we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak" but Hillary Clinton in contradistinction to her Ad when competing against Barak Obama in 2007/8 Hillary Clinton Ad – 3 AM White House Ringing Phone did not approve such action and later used the video lie as a cover-up and arranged to have General Carter Ham removed from the command of Africom.

Quote" We can't believe that given a choice between one mildly flawed candidate and another peddling an explosive combo of bad ideas, no ideas and zero self-control, you're having trouble choosing."

Since you do not qualify as who the mildly flawed candidate is, but based in the level of vehement vitriol that you are heaping against Trump, I can only assume that you were trying to suggest that Hillary Clinton is mildly flawed when in reality She is subject to reopened and continuing FBI investigation for selling vi pay for play aka "peddling an explosive combo of bad ideas, no ideas and zero self-control"

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight Committee said of Hillary's email scandal:
"If this was just a mistake, why is everyone pleading the Fifth [Amendment] and getting immunity deals?

You Quote: If you want to cheer up Vladimir Putin, or bring a smile to the faces of the hard men who rule China, then by all means, pull the lever for Trump. But the rest of us, your friends and allies in the free world, are pushing the panic button."

You seem to forget the 'Open Mike' where current president Obama send the message to Putin "After my election I have more flexibility" or Clintons pay for play abetting Russia "Since 2013, the nuclear energy arm of the Russian state has controlled 20 percent of America's uranium production capacity." What about Chinagate?

Quote: "America and its leaders are not always perfect; the Founding Fathers built your political system on a recognition that all human beings are flawed."

Sadly, the Founding Fathers never thought that 200+ years into the republic that there would a succession of Regimes Clinton/Obama/Clinton with an 8 years slight reprieve under Bush the younger, who are Alinskyian disciples whose very bible was "Rules for Radicals" and the acknowledgement reads:

"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer."

Quote: 'Nobody has to make you "Great Again." You're already great.' That statement contradicts what the Obama's said during the world apology tour, but perhaps you are suggesting that America is great because of the Obama Presidency?

Quote: "That's why a Trump presidency sets alarm bells ringing...But if Mr. Trump moves into the White House, America's allies will neither shrug nor laugh."

The only ones who will neither shrug nor laugh are the likes of George Soros and the other Globalists who are hell bent on dissolving the worlds borders and destroying the unique sovereignty that Canada enjoys from the USA and Mexico, but I can only assume that the Globe and Mail has already bought into that idea and that is the reason you are warming people to not vote for Trump!

Clearly you are just another Clinton/Globalist mouthpiece lambasting those who Hillary calls Deplorable and Irredeemable for having the temerity of voting for Trump. Have you ever examined who Hillary Clinton really is from Watergate, Whitewater, Chinagate, Benghazigate and now Wienergate? Nyet; because you are the Canadian equivalent of pre-Glasnost Pravda!

Desmond McGrath

Former reader of the Globe and Mail, but have been clean and sober and not consumed your Kool aide for over 20+ years.

© Desmond McGrath


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Desmond McGrath

Desmond is a Petroleum Engineer by training with a BSc. (Honors) from Montana Tech as well as two technical diplomas in the area of Hydraulics, Instrumentation and Petroleum Technology... (more)


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