Desmond McGrath
What are Donald Trump's motives?
Or are the motives of his opposition more of a threat?
By Desmond McGrath
January 31, 2020

A friend Marilyn from Newfoundland I have known for 40+ years, a staunch anti-Trump person asked me What do I think Donald J Trump is in Politics for? There was once a time we could discuss politics over a beer at Martha's on Water Street those 40 years ago but now everybody is hypersensitized and easily twitter-triggered by Fake News sound bites. You can look at archived videos/articles of Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Obama, (The list goes on) and they all sound like John Kerry "For It (Before He Was Against It)," they change their positions so many times that they have no long held unifying principles and are merely in Politics for the sake of perpetual power and profit from politics. Being economical with the truth, pathological lying or practicing Taqiya for the Gospel according to Marx, most of you are not strong enough to peer into these Hearts of Darkness or ever read Dr Bella Dodd's "School of Darkness"

You can look at a Rona Barrett's interview of Trump in 1980 or Oprah Winfrey's of 1988. The Donald's message was the same as it was in 2016. Exclusive: Trump list shows 319 'results' and promises kept in three years. He never ran for Political Office before and beat the best that the Republicans put up and defeated Hillary Clinton. A non-politician against career politicians. His spending was 1/3 of Clinton's and ¼ of Obama's yet he won. He accomplished this despite Mitt Romney's VP Candidate Paul Ryan running interference against Trump for the first two years of his presidency. Were Paul's Ryano buddies working for we the people against an erstwhile monarch/tyrant or working for the Globalist Elites, Trump had in his crosshairs and their own vested self-interests?

Despite Rolling Stone saying "Donald Trump Is the Mad-King President Our Founders Feared Most" Governor Northam of Virginia is trying to implement gun control so draconian that counties are voting to be 2nd amendment sanctuary areas; and now Virginia politicians push bill to make criticizing state leaders criminal offense. This is no different than Ezra Levant now being prosecuted for his book "The Libranos" see NEWS HIDDEN CAMERA OF POLICE INTERROGATION OF EZRA LEVANT OVER A BOOK ABOUT JUSTIN TRUDEAU. If you have seen the movie Richard Jewel and thought about the attack on Trump and Ezra Levant; who should you fear more? Trump or the Government Establishment? How many of you Anti-Trump Newfoundlanders/Canadians voiced any concerns about Iqra Khalid getting the Camel's nose of Islamophobia into the tent of Free Speech?

You believe that he wants to crown himself king and make more money. Is that your genuine idea or a subliminal suggestion from CNN or the covers of the holocaust denying New York Times, Time Magazine or News Week? All corporations with vested interests, corporations that bet heavily on Obama and Clinton Presidencies like Jeff Immelt who got a $3.8 billion income tax refund for GE early in the Obama Presidency. This was at the same time the IRS was going after a business colleague and his wife for starting "True the Vote" Check out "IRS Routinely Targets Pro-Liberty Organizations: Weaponized Government – Catherine Engelbrecht"

So you have Career Politicians, Career Bureaucrats and Vested Corporate interests, who have been for years acting like a bunch of tailors standing in a shop window measuring each other for new suits of clothes at the peoples expense and along comes Donald J Trump to upset their apple cart.

To call Washington DC a swamp is an insult to the beautiful efficient ecosystems that swamps are. DC (or for that matter Ottawa Canada imperial city states unaccountable to we the people) are cross between a Cesspool and an Abattoir where fecal matter is flung for profit ad nauseum and those who try and correct it are eviscerated no differently than William Wallace. Does the collusion of political vermin like the Clintons and John McCain (yes he was involved in circulating the Faux Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton and the DNC) with career political hacks in the DOJ, FBI, CIA et al not make Nixon's Watergate look like a failed panty raid at a college dorm? See Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey In The "Fight Of Their Lives" To that end, true to his interviews with Rona and Oprah, Donald J Trump was trying to be the Anti-Elite and Anti-Clinton candidate and his efforts to clean up the DC quagmire is like Organ Rejection Syndrome in a patient with terminal cancer as the Cancerous Democrats fight back to maintain control over the host they will eventually completely drain of life. The Cesspool/Abattoir will not go quietly into that good night.

I do not know Donald Trump personally and only attended two rallies out of curiosity as I was nearby. One I got inside and the other I watched on a giant screen outside. These were in Ohio and West Virginia. The people attending were no different than Newfoundlanders from Newtown, Bonavista Bay who have been lied to by politicians since before CON-Federation. Why would these people go a Trump Rally given "How much does CNN (owned by ATT) hate Trump? 93% of coverage is negative‎!" Is it because they understand what is at stake and "know everything AT&T now owns, apart from [their] souls?"

For the past 4 years the rant from the Democrats and Pelosi/Schumer et al has been no different than a child on the verge of being caught with a hand in a cookie jar who rats out a sibling who has not been near the jar. Everything that Trump as been accused of has come from those with crumbs on their fingers and chocolate chips on their breath. And it is not just the Democrats and to call sore looser Mitt (Benedict Arnold) Romney a weasel would be doing a disservice to the noble Ermine/Stout.

To grasp the goals and motivation of Donald J Trump you cannot do that without examining the goals and motivations of those who are trying to take him out. Had Hillary Clinton won, nobody would have ever heard about the spying operation on the Trump Campaign nor would a negative word ever be spoken about the Biden's get rich schemes in China or the Ukraine. The current partisan impeachment (the accused not allowed to call witnesses) was admittedly because as several Democrats allowed, they have to impeach him or else he will get reelected in November. If you agree with that goal, then what does that say about yourself? Are you holding the elitist view that the electorate (Deplorable, Irredeemable and smelly Walmart people) are incapable of voting correctly and need only to vote for a candidate who has been pre-anointed by the elite's unholy oil and danced as a Hobsons Choice on the stage with glowing CNN approval?

Trump's victory in 2016 despite the forces aligned against him upset the coronation of Globalist Queen Hillary so that she could not continue her corrupt, unlawful and profiteering practices and the Globalists agenda 21 amongst other things. It shocked the elites, just like the Brits did when they voted for Brexit and the elite controlled politicians there have spent nearly 4 years dragging their heels to not make it happen. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution of these United States was in response to Monarchical Tyranny and Star Chamber Courts. The US Courts had gone from independent arbiters of statutory interpretation by the original meaning of the Constitution to unelected Star chambers making laws from the bench. Donald Trump picking "Originalists" for the various courts actually shows an anti-Monarchical bent and he is no more wanting to be king than did George Washington.

In closing like the Cookie Jar allegations, I am of the belief that the intentions of Donald J Trump are the opposite of wanting to be crowned king and make more money (he is not taking a salary, his travel expenses are a fraction of the Obama's), but rather to live up to his goals from 1980, 1988 and campaign promises of 2016.

It defies logic that so many Newfoundlanders are anti-Trump given the historically low US unemployment and Newfoundland's perpetual double-digit unemployment and constantly seeking religious Liberal salvation from the rich uncle in Ottawa. They admonish Trumps tweets (The only communication that bypasses the elite's media filter) while aggrandizing the late John Crosbie's "Pass the tequila, Sheila" style commentary. Will Donald J Trumps presidency be recorded in History as a pothole in the road to perdition that briefly woke some people up from their long sleepwalk into slavery under Socialism? Or will it be the reestablishment of the sanctity of We the Peoples Constitution "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth?

To answer that question, you don't need to examine the motivation of Donald J Trump, but rather the true motives of all those who are trying to take him down.

On a humorous side the impeachment is little more than the Student Court from Animal House.

Desmond McGrath
Musing his way along the Old Spanish Trail.

© Desmond McGrath


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Desmond McGrath

Desmond is a Petroleum Engineer by training with a BSc. (Honors) from Montana Tech as well as two technical diplomas in the area of Hydraulics, Instrumentation and Petroleum Technology... (more)


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