Desmond McGrath
Impeachment circus: The foreign war of the Democratic party's congressional districts
By Desmond McGrath
February 4, 2020

What Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and the Squad could learn from the Red Baron.

While in no way impugning the stature and flying skills of Manfred von Richthofen and his famous Flying Circus, Schiff, wing-persons/nuts Pelosi, Nadler and the Squad (collectively the Lying Circus) are making the same fatal mistake.

When the Red Baron saw Wop May, an inexperienced pilot ( during this period of WWI the lifespan of an allied pilot was 92 hours compared to the three months of a Huey Door Gunner in Vietnam); Richtofen became fixated on the wildly gyrating and irrationally unpredictable May. Taking leave of his senses and oblivious to Australians on the ground firing at him and Capt. Arthur Roy Brown on his tail; the Red Baron wheezed is last breaths still strapped in his crashed plane, the probable victim of an Australians bullet; but the mortal blow was his obsessive fixation on May.

Captain Oblivious and the Lying Circus have had Donald J Trump in their sights since June 16, 2015 when he entered the fray as a non-politician's first run for Political Office. Instantly the Lying Circus went to the airwaves and deep in the bowels and trenches of the DC Cesspool with a beckoning finger summoned the following luminaries.

It is interesting to note an article 14 days later "Are Key Republican Leaders in D.C. Being Blackmailed?" By Wayne Allyn Root, June 30, 2015.

Thus, the war began, an army of career politicians and partisan bureaucrats/political hacks versus "The Donald." The incestuous and nepotism addicted denizens of the Swamp/Cesspool began Reaching across the Aisle in a bi-partisan effort to stop him. Overnight he became an enemy of the State and the Statists. Amongst all this and forward almost a year, the Donald fired another warning shot across the bow of the limping SS Hope and Change; it was mid-May of 2016 that Trump released his Supreme (and Other) court pick list.

Activists judges making law from the bench have been a problem since before the Dred Scott decision; the most recent example being the bizarre Chief Justice Roberts ruling on the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare See: Brennan and Clapper Accused of Hacking John Roberts To Blackmail Him. It is truly ironic that he is presiding over the Senate Impeachment Trial. Shortly after Trump's Supreme Court list is released, the following happens on the timeline of the Russian Hoax:
    LATE MAY 2016: Acting on behalf of the DNC, the law firm Perkins Coie hires Fusion GPS to conduct research on Trump. Having known Steele for nearly seven years, Fusion GPS contracts with Steele to conduct the research. The head of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, has also known Steele's contact at the Justice Department, Ohr, for several years. Simpson hires Ohr's wife, a Russian linguist named Nellie, to help with the research and analysis.
Levin: Dems Impeaching Now to Cripple Trump from Making Another SCOTUS Pick from Dec 18th 2019. I noted in an article forwarded to me by compatriot Fredy Lowe; The Biden Purpose is Finished – Watch How Fast He Plummets... February 1, 2020 on the (It is worth scanning the 450+ responses below the article) The article refers to Coup 1.0 and Coup 2.0 and how Joe Biden is used as a strawman for Impeachment with no endorsement from Obama while Joe Rogan endorses Bernie. Maybe some will think the article is farfetched but consider Democratic Party Withholds Results Of Iowa Caucuses, Citing Tech Errors February 4, 2020 By Tristan Justice in The Federalist. (Remember how the DNC/Clinton machine shafted Bernie in 2016?)

I first mentioned this impeachment possibility in The fallout days after Brett Kavanaugh cried, the presumption of innocence vs. the lingering doubt of well slung mud Oct 8th 2018.
    Now as the Daily Signal reported on Oct 4th, "Feinstein May Face Ethics Probe Over Leak of Ford Letter." It raises questions not only about the ethics of those who handled and had personal knowledge of Dr. Ford's letter, but as to why it was not investigated further in the interim? Was it because it was a political hit job from the beginning, planned in advance like Peter Strzok's 'insurance policy' and would not stand a rigorous investigative effort in the light of day? The total abandonment of the cornerstone of American Justice the "Presumption of Innocence" vs the "Lingering Doubt of Well Slung Mud" that will haunt Judge Kavanaugh for the rest of his time on the court. It may well prompt Impeachment proceedings against Kavanaugh and Trump should, heaven forbid the Democrats manage to retake the house in November. see "Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table." And Maxine Waters has not stopped with her impeachment rant:

    "There's a difference in how some of our leadership talk about how we should handle all of this," Water said. "They say, 'Maxine, please don't say impeachment anymore.'"

    "And when they say that, I say 'impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment.'"
This raises the real possibility of the following:

Coup 3.0: Attempt to prevent Trump from making another Supreme Court Appointment claiming that an impeached President has no such power.

Coup 4.0: If Coup 3.0 failed and more justices are confirmed and appointed through 2024 and the Democrats eventually control both houses and the Senate, given the unconstitutional and partisan nature of the current impeachment it is not outside the realm of probability that they will try to impeach and remove the justices Trump appointed. This is not a new idea you should research The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 (frequently called the "FDR's court-packing plan"). The progressives live and die by packing the courts with their ideologues!

Congressional Districts at war with Trump:

In the aftermath of the Kavanaugh hearing circus, the Democrats retook the house many of them promising to:
    1. Not mention Impeachment.

    2. Not support Nancy Pelosi as speaker.
Another spectacular performance of linguistic contortion by the Lying Circus.

The Lying Circus and here are the current leadership:

So, you have to ask yourself the question as to why are these people "ALL IN" on this impeachment? Is it to protect the house of cards around the Biden's and the Obama Administration's nefarious activities? Or is it to act like so many erstwhile tyrants and want to keep their subjects minds off the pathetic state of affairs in their respective Fiefdom's? In particular the unemployment rates; and bear in mind that the national rate is an average that includes these high unemployment districts! Are they also diverting attention from the Globalists Agenda as well? The question is: Where has all this strategy come from???

Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven or Barak Obama's Marxist shadow cabinet?

See: Obama running 'shadow government' to undermine Trump The Hill, Max Greenwood March 17, 2017.
    Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) alleged during a private speech that former President Barack Obama is living in Washington to run a secret operation to take down President Trump....

    Kelly isn't alone in suspecting that Obama holdovers are threatening Trump and his agenda. Asked about that notion Friday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said it was reasonable to believe that some federal employees may be trying to continue the Obama administration's work.

    "I think that there's no question when you have eight years of one party in office, that there are people who stay in government who are affiliated with and continue to espouse the agenda of the previous administration," Spicer said at his daily press briefing.

    "I don't think it should come as any surprise that there are people that burrowed into government during eight years of the last administration and may have believed in that agenda and want to continue to seek it."

This is not a standalone example, Remember Al Green who wanted Trump Impeached so he does not get reelected? What about the Squad? Especially AOC aka "Cortez" who drove away 20,000 Amazon Jobs from her District? How many of these members of Congress are actively improving the lot of the constituents in their respective districts? "Cortez" is spending more time promoting Bernie than helping her District.

This is NOT just a US phenomena as so many common folk and politicians in my birth Province in Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, are vocally Anti-Trump while living with 16.2% Unemployment on one of Ottawa's Federal Plantations in a bizarre case of Stockholm syndrome while blindly supporting the Liberal Party (Canadian Progressive Democrats) who took power with the help of the Obama's election campaign team.

The Coming Crash:

Like the Red Baron, the Democrats are so focused on the non- politically groomed Donald J. Trump's wild twitter gyrations that they have not only lost sight of their constituents needs in their respective districts but have blindly ignored the cannons loading to the sides of them like the Light Brigade in Crimea. Once impeachment acquittal is over Senate Intelligence Committee Will Call Ukraine Whistleblower To Testify, Lindsey Graham Reveals, what will happen to the Biden's? The chant in 2016 was lock her up about Hillary; will it now refer to the Biden's or will Biden's usefulness and political capital be so depleted that Bernie Saunders be the Democratic Nominee and get the Obama endorsement he withheld from Biden?

Regardless, could the Democrats wild obsession with Trump be as fatal to the Democratic Party as von Richthofen's obsession with Wop May? The Canadian Liberal party suffered such a defeat in May 2, 2011 and were not even the official opposition afterwards until resuscitated by Obama's electioneering minions. Is it not suspicious that "Obama's Trudeau endorsement does not violate law, Elections Canada says" but the investigative book "The Libranos" written by Ezra Levant is attacked by a weaponized government see Rex Murphy: Ezra Levant wrote a book critical of the Liberals. Now he's being investigated reminiscent of Catherine Engelbrecht's experience in the US under the Obama Administration?

The Democrats are pursuing impeachment, not because Donald Trump has committed any High Crimes and Misdemeanors but to thwart any real investigation into the Obama Shadow Government ensconced in the respective bureaucracies which None Dare Call Treason? Like Wop May, Trump will regroup and continue to fight while the obsessively misguided democrats will be left with a sense of mourning and loss. In the Hundred plus years since his death less than a third of Germans have ever heard of Manfred Von Richtofen and the Flying Circus; a Century from now how many Americans will know of Schiff, wing-persons/nuts Pelosi, Nadler and the Squad aka the Lying Circus, while the President Trump's name lives on past 2024?

Desmond McGrath
Reporting from my Station by the Sea

While the bitter parties stifle every voice that warns of war,
Every man should own a rifle and have cartridges in store!

-Henry Lawson

© Desmond McGrath


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Desmond McGrath

Desmond is a Petroleum Engineer by training with a BSc. (Honors) from Montana Tech as well as two technical diplomas in the area of Hydraulics, Instrumentation and Petroleum Technology... (more)


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