Wes Vernon
Obama's terrorist pals get away with murder? Literally?
San Francisco police told to shut up about it
By Wes Vernon
You are earnestly urged to believe that President Obama's Justice Department is seriously investigating a 39-year-old murder case involving his political friends and communist terrorists Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn. That assurance is given as justification by Attorney General Eric Holder's agency to tell San Francisco police officers (present and retired) to shut up because any day now, some arrests are to be made in this "active" case.
Earlier this month, members of the San Francisco Police Officers Association appeared at a news conference sponsored by America's Survival, Inc., here in Washington to demand that FBI Director Robert Mueller — who independently serves in his post until 2011 and does not need to take orders from the Obama administration — pursue the probe and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Apparently, the publicity hit a sore spot with the alleged "investigators." The police officers group has been told to pipe down. The union received calls from both Holder's agency and the San Francisco police chief that (loosely interpreted by me) said, Oooops! We know it's been a mere 39 years, but gee — you know, Rome wasn't built in a day, give us time...Like another 40 years after we're all dead?
Some background
The case involves charges that the pro-communist Weather Underground (through the bomb-making handiwork of Dohrn) placed a bomb at a San Francisco police station — timed to detonate during a shift change so as to kill or injure as many police officers as possible. The explosion killed one officer and seriously injured several others. The scene immediately afterward is described by former San Francisco policeman James Pera as "like a war with wounded officers, blood, shattered windows, damaged floors and ceilings." But then Pera adds, "It was a war, an urban war being conducted by subversive and murderous groups such as the Weather Underground."
Terrorists elude justice
You may wonder why these despicable animals — who hosted a reception that launched President Obama's political career in the nineties — are still walking the streets, even though Ayers has publicly proclaimed himself "guilty as hell, and free as a bird. America is a great country."
Good question — here's the answer
They and their co-conspirators in the Weather Underground were eventually hauled into court on charges dealing with their murderous rampage in the late sixties and early seventies. Former FBI informant Larry Grathwohl recalls that his role as an infiltrator ended after blowing the whistle on Ayers and Dohrn in sworn testimony to several grand juries and to the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, as well as at the trial of W. Mark Felt and Robert S. Miller. Those two FBI agents were charged with "improper acts" in the Weather Underground case.
If the name of the late Mark Felt rings a bell with you, he is the man who turned out to be "Deep Throat" in the Watergate investigation. He spilled the beans to reporters Woodward and Bernstein about the cover-up not because he was inspired by a Boy Scout "good government" crusade. He was simply in a snit because Nixon did not appoint him FBI director when J. Edgar Hoover died. That's it! That's how we got Jimmy Blunderbuss Carter in the White House.
But whatever one thinks of Nixon, he showed remarkable judgment in passing over Felt as top cop. Felt and Miller booted the case against the Weather Underground and thus Ayers and Dohrn got off scot free — not because they were innocent — but because of technicalities involving Felt and Miller's antics. In the wolfpack hysteria of the immediate post-Watergate era, Felt was convicted of violating the civil rights of the terrorists. When Ronald Reagan became president, he granted Felt a pardon. What else can you do but pity an FBI Director-wannabe who missed his calling as Top Dog in the Keystone Cops?
What was the Weather Underground?
On those rare occasions when the mainstream media allow Americans to focus on the past of Obama's pals Ayers and Dohrn, they quickly spread the unvarnished hogwash that the Weather Underground was just another anti-Vietnam War organization. That is a lie. Not a distortion or disingenuous verbal acrobatics. It is a flat-out, pure, prime, grade-A lie. And any supposedly knowledgeable person (and news media people are supposed to know what they're talking about, no?) who spreads the garbage that the Weather Underground people were poor little flower children of the sixties is a liar of the morning-noon-and-night variety — a liar from A to Z.
Herbert Romerstein — one of the world's most authoritative intelligence professionals — presented thorough documentation on that very point at ASI's March 12 news conference. The guts of Romerstein's 52-page presentation is that the Weather Underground was "not just a group of young anti-Vietnam activists who pulled some pranks where no one was hurt or killed."
Romerstein goes on to say the Weather Underground in fact was "a group of communists who wanted the Vietnamese Communists to defeat the United States. They also engaged in terrorist acts often including injury and sometimes murder."
OK, here's a little quiz
All those who believe the Obama administration's Justice Department truly is — as claimed — pursuing, as an "active" case and a serious investigation, the teleprompter president's old pals Ayers and Dohrn, raise your hands.
All those who believe that those who would silence the police union members are not making such "requests" so as to give them time to perpetuate the cover-up, raise your hands.
OK, moving right along here: All those who do not take this "zip your lips" plea as a hint that failure to shut up about the Weather Underground case could prompt an invitation to follow the path trod by the mysteriously dead Vince Foster, raise your hands.
And here's another one: Attorney General Eric Holder — rudely eschewing the old admonition "Speak for yourself" — recently said we're "a nation of cowards." All those who think Holder — who was involved in Bill Clinton's last-minute pardon of members of the Weather Underground and the FALN — will now muster the courage to arrest and prosecute his current boss's political backers, raise your hands.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but all those who think Mr. "Nation of Cowards" — who lacked the courage to resign and publicly protest President Clinton's pardoning of criminals with whom he had no known connection — is about to take a deep breath, count to ten, and screw up the courage to collar the folks who gave his current boss President Obama his political entree, let's see a show of hands.
Nobody raised a hand (outside the George Soros-funded Goebbels-like propaganda machine, of course)? Gee, what a surprise.
The scene of the crime
Former police officer James Pera — 39 years later — describes in vivid detail the scene at San Francisco's Park Police Station the day of the bombing.
"Officer Jerry Doherty, a good friend of mine, who was a mentor and later became my Lieutenant when I was a Sergeant, rushed to the aid of Sergeant [Brian] McDonnell, ripped off his uniform shirt, and applied pressure to the sergeant's neck wound, in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, the sergeant died a couple of days later, without regaining consciousness. He left a wife and two kids. He was forty-five years old, his life snuffed out by the murderous cowards of the Weather Underground."
Then this, again from Jim Pera: "Think about the ignorant and clueless people who believe that just because this incident happened thirty-nine years ago, we should just all move on and let the past stay in the past. I've got news for them. The dead don't rise [and move on]. They stay dead.
"Think about Sergeant McDonnell and all the murdered and maimed victims of the Weather Underground, when you see the smug, unrepentant face of the sniveling, gutter-crawling rat who goes by the name of Professor Bill Ayers.
"Think about his loathsome wife, Bernadine Dohrn, who has been named by former undercover informant Larry Grathwohl as the wretched human scumbag who planted the bomb that killed Sergeant McDonnell.
"Think about how these two Marxist-Leninist traitors are allowed to breathe the air of freedom, when they should be gasping on the stagnant trenches of a prison cell or better yet, moldering in a post-execution gravesite."
No justice, no peace
Cliff Kincaid, president of ASI, is distributing the petition to FBI Director Mueller which you are invited to sign. It urges Mueller (again, he doesn't need to take cover-up orders from Obama or Holder) "that you and the FBI immediately open an investigation into the evidence against Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn for the murder of police officer Brian McDonnell." When you sign the petition, you can mail it to:
FBI Director Robert Mueller, Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover Building, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20535-0001.
This column — even with all the competing demands of events and other outrages — will return to this case periodically until such time as justice is done. We — along with millions of other Americans — will not shut up, and we strongly doubt that the San Francisco Police Officers Association will either. We absolutely know that Cliff Kincaid — who has put in hours of hard work in pursuit of this investigation — will not shut up.
The (No Justice) Department says it is "actively" investigating. Yeah, right. Who's doing the gumshoe work? ACORN? Mr. Magoo?
© Wes Vernon
March 23, 2009
You are earnestly urged to believe that President Obama's Justice Department is seriously investigating a 39-year-old murder case involving his political friends and communist terrorists Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn. That assurance is given as justification by Attorney General Eric Holder's agency to tell San Francisco police officers (present and retired) to shut up because any day now, some arrests are to be made in this "active" case.

Apparently, the publicity hit a sore spot with the alleged "investigators." The police officers group has been told to pipe down. The union received calls from both Holder's agency and the San Francisco police chief that (loosely interpreted by me) said, Oooops! We know it's been a mere 39 years, but gee — you know, Rome wasn't built in a day, give us time...Like another 40 years after we're all dead?
Some background
The case involves charges that the pro-communist Weather Underground (through the bomb-making handiwork of Dohrn) placed a bomb at a San Francisco police station — timed to detonate during a shift change so as to kill or injure as many police officers as possible. The explosion killed one officer and seriously injured several others. The scene immediately afterward is described by former San Francisco policeman James Pera as "like a war with wounded officers, blood, shattered windows, damaged floors and ceilings." But then Pera adds, "It was a war, an urban war being conducted by subversive and murderous groups such as the Weather Underground."
Terrorists elude justice

Good question — here's the answer
They and their co-conspirators in the Weather Underground were eventually hauled into court on charges dealing with their murderous rampage in the late sixties and early seventies. Former FBI informant Larry Grathwohl recalls that his role as an infiltrator ended after blowing the whistle on Ayers and Dohrn in sworn testimony to several grand juries and to the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, as well as at the trial of W. Mark Felt and Robert S. Miller. Those two FBI agents were charged with "improper acts" in the Weather Underground case.
If the name of the late Mark Felt rings a bell with you, he is the man who turned out to be "Deep Throat" in the Watergate investigation. He spilled the beans to reporters Woodward and Bernstein about the cover-up not because he was inspired by a Boy Scout "good government" crusade. He was simply in a snit because Nixon did not appoint him FBI director when J. Edgar Hoover died. That's it! That's how we got Jimmy Blunderbuss Carter in the White House.
But whatever one thinks of Nixon, he showed remarkable judgment in passing over Felt as top cop. Felt and Miller booted the case against the Weather Underground and thus Ayers and Dohrn got off scot free — not because they were innocent — but because of technicalities involving Felt and Miller's antics. In the wolfpack hysteria of the immediate post-Watergate era, Felt was convicted of violating the civil rights of the terrorists. When Ronald Reagan became president, he granted Felt a pardon. What else can you do but pity an FBI Director-wannabe who missed his calling as Top Dog in the Keystone Cops?
What was the Weather Underground?

Herbert Romerstein — one of the world's most authoritative intelligence professionals — presented thorough documentation on that very point at ASI's March 12 news conference. The guts of Romerstein's 52-page presentation is that the Weather Underground was "not just a group of young anti-Vietnam activists who pulled some pranks where no one was hurt or killed."
Romerstein goes on to say the Weather Underground in fact was "a group of communists who wanted the Vietnamese Communists to defeat the United States. They also engaged in terrorist acts often including injury and sometimes murder."
OK, here's a little quiz
All those who believe the Obama administration's Justice Department truly is — as claimed — pursuing, as an "active" case and a serious investigation, the teleprompter president's old pals Ayers and Dohrn, raise your hands.
All those who believe that those who would silence the police union members are not making such "requests" so as to give them time to perpetuate the cover-up, raise your hands.
OK, moving right along here: All those who do not take this "zip your lips" plea as a hint that failure to shut up about the Weather Underground case could prompt an invitation to follow the path trod by the mysteriously dead Vince Foster, raise your hands.
And here's another one: Attorney General Eric Holder — rudely eschewing the old admonition "Speak for yourself" — recently said we're "a nation of cowards." All those who think Holder — who was involved in Bill Clinton's last-minute pardon of members of the Weather Underground and the FALN — will now muster the courage to arrest and prosecute his current boss's political backers, raise your hands.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but all those who think Mr. "Nation of Cowards" — who lacked the courage to resign and publicly protest President Clinton's pardoning of criminals with whom he had no known connection — is about to take a deep breath, count to ten, and screw up the courage to collar the folks who gave his current boss President Obama his political entree, let's see a show of hands.
Nobody raised a hand (outside the George Soros-funded Goebbels-like propaganda machine, of course)? Gee, what a surprise.

Former police officer James Pera — 39 years later — describes in vivid detail the scene at San Francisco's Park Police Station the day of the bombing.
"Officer Jerry Doherty, a good friend of mine, who was a mentor and later became my Lieutenant when I was a Sergeant, rushed to the aid of Sergeant [Brian] McDonnell, ripped off his uniform shirt, and applied pressure to the sergeant's neck wound, in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Unfortunately, the sergeant died a couple of days later, without regaining consciousness. He left a wife and two kids. He was forty-five years old, his life snuffed out by the murderous cowards of the Weather Underground."
Then this, again from Jim Pera: "Think about the ignorant and clueless people who believe that just because this incident happened thirty-nine years ago, we should just all move on and let the past stay in the past. I've got news for them. The dead don't rise [and move on]. They stay dead.
"Think about Sergeant McDonnell and all the murdered and maimed victims of the Weather Underground, when you see the smug, unrepentant face of the sniveling, gutter-crawling rat who goes by the name of Professor Bill Ayers.
"Think about his loathsome wife, Bernadine Dohrn, who has been named by former undercover informant Larry Grathwohl as the wretched human scumbag who planted the bomb that killed Sergeant McDonnell.
"Think about how these two Marxist-Leninist traitors are allowed to breathe the air of freedom, when they should be gasping on the stagnant trenches of a prison cell or better yet, moldering in a post-execution gravesite."
No justice, no peace
Cliff Kincaid, president of ASI, is distributing the petition to FBI Director Mueller which you are invited to sign. It urges Mueller (again, he doesn't need to take cover-up orders from Obama or Holder) "that you and the FBI immediately open an investigation into the evidence against Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn for the murder of police officer Brian McDonnell." When you sign the petition, you can mail it to:

This column — even with all the competing demands of events and other outrages — will return to this case periodically until such time as justice is done. We — along with millions of other Americans — will not shut up, and we strongly doubt that the San Francisco Police Officers Association will either. We absolutely know that Cliff Kincaid — who has put in hours of hard work in pursuit of this investigation — will not shut up.
The (No Justice) Department says it is "actively" investigating. Yeah, right. Who's doing the gumshoe work? ACORN? Mr. Magoo?
© Wes Vernon
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