July 10, 2024
RUMBLE — On Tuesday's episode of "Greg Kelly Reports," Greg exposes Joe Biden's handicaps and deficiencies and explains how he is unfit to be president.... (more)
July 9, 2024
CLIFF KINCAID — Flipping through the channels, I came upon an episode of “Law & Order,” in which the main characters “witness an execution and try to come to terms with their roles in the killing of another human being.” The program features a typical liberal prosecutor having second thoughts about seeking the death penalty against a convicted murderer. It reminds us of the “progressive” prosecutors in today’s America.... (more)
July 9, 2024
BRUCE DEITRICK PRICE — Anyone observing American culture has to be mystified by the steady declines in one sector after another. Schools, inflation, the border, national debt, social harmony, all are worse. The media is more corrupt and unreliable; the public never learns what the real problems are. So who is causing this continual, across-the-board failure? That's the pivotal question every American should try to answer.... (more)
July 8, 2024
JOAN SWIRSKY — For generations, women whose husbands were sick have plied them with tea and honey and chicken soup (aka Jewish penicillin), bought over-the-counter bromides that promised relief, kept them away from people and people away from them, and even tried folk remedies, for instance smearing Vicks VapoRub on the bottoms of their feet (before putting socks over them) at nighttime, the better to wake up with clear nasal passages and lungs.... (more)
July 8, 2024
YOUTUBE — Former Australian Deputy-Prime Minister John Anderson joined Dennis Prager in his Los Angeles studios for a discussion on Western political philosophy, American politics, the interplay of liberty and safety, left-wing ideology, and the British monarchy in the wake of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8, 2022. Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated talk show host with a global platform. He founded Prager University with the aim of preserving America, the West, and the Judeo-Christian value system. PragerU has amassed almost three million subscribers on YouTube. As an expert on communism, the Middle East, and the left, he did his graduate work at the Russian and Middle East Institutes of the Columbia University School of International Affairs. He taught Russian and Jewish history at Brooklyn College.... (more)
July 8, 2024
YOUTUBE — Sky News host Liz Storer says “Trump derangement syndrome” has picked up again after the former president’s “great week” surrounding the debate. “Donald Trump’s great week has resulted in some serious Trump derangement syndrome, we are talking about on steroids,” Ms Storer said. “This has now reached such a hysterical level people are taking to social media to call for Trump’s assassination.”... (more)
July 6, 2024
YOUTUBE — Dennis Prager is a conservative thinker, commentator and one of America’s most successful political entrepreneurs; He is most well known for establishing PragerU, one of the largest conservative online platforms. Steven Edginton is joined by Mr. Prager to discuss threats to Western civilization.... (more)
July 6, 2024
YOUTUBE — Recognizing 245 years of U.S. Navy excellence, we honor our heroes who serve with an unwavering commitment to excellence and the fair treatment of all.... (more)
July 5, 2024
YOUTUBE — Jordan Peterson had a conversation with Ayaan Hirsi Ali and she explained why she converted to Christianity. Her story is really good but especially important because many people are suffering like Ayaan described she was. By the world's standards she should have been happy... She had a good career, a family, status, success, freedom, and comfort yet suffered mentally with depression and anxiety and she goes into how she tried to relieve the terror she was experiencing with alcohol, psychotherapy, etc. She describes how to she tried to save herself materially, scientifically… but that failed. Jordan Peterson then responds to Ayaan’s experience with a story about Leo Tolstoy – who is arguably one of the most successful and influential writers and religious thinkers of all time, and how spiritual experience saved his life.... (more)
July 4, 2024
TOWNHALL — President Joe Biden has thus far fended off the pressure campaign to remove him from the 2024 Democratic ticket. He has pledged delegates and support among base voters, with 66 percent wanting him to remain in the race. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to put out fires after his appalling debate with Donald Trump last Thursday night. Top donors are reportedly asking for refunds, unhappy with the operation’s Baghdad Bob undertones regarding claiming how Biden is the healthiest he’s ever been while ignoring and dismissing concerns about the president’s mental state.... (more)
July 4, 2024
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — On this Independence Day, consider how a very few people, in very dire straits, made the difference for the very existence of the nation we now know as the United States. Consider, too, how one of those very few people was also the final president of the founding generation and how his legacy is forever connected to the Fourth of July. By December 1776, the American Revolution was all but dead. Gen. George Washington commanded only some 3,500 troops, almost none decently trained for battle. The British had about 20,000 well-trained regulars, plus thousands more Hessians and other mercenaries. Worse for Washington, the enlistments of almost all his men were scheduled to end on Dec. 31. They were ill-fed, ill-equipped, ill-dressed, and mostly shoeless. And, after four significant battle losses in a row, they fought for a populace that had all but given up on the revolution, with large numbers redeclaring their loyalty to the British king.... (more)
July 2, 2024
YOUTUBE — Dr. Roberts provides an insightful overview of the conservative victories and the grassroots movements that have defied the Washington Establishment. He emphasizes the importance of Heritage Foundation’s efforts, like Focus 2024 and Project 2025, in restoring America to the vision of its Founders. In a stirring call to action, Dr. Roberts highlights the generational fight conservatives must undertake to reclaim our country’s soul from within and preserve the freedoms our nation was built upon.... (more)
July 2, 2024
THE FEDERALIST — The Biden Department of Justice’s (DOJ) lawfare against former President Donald Trump hit a massive roadblock Monday after the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that presidents have “absolute immunity” for “actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority” and “at least presumptive immunity” for all “official acts.” The high court remanded several questions relating to the case against Trump back to the lower court to determine whether they constitute an official act, further delaying Special Counsel Jack Smith’s attempt to have a pre-election trial.... (more)
July 1, 2024
MARGOT CLEVELAND OF THE FEDERALIST — Within a span of 24 hours, every sector of the American privileged class — from politics to punditry, from activism to academia — exposed their utter disdain for self-government. The power-first reveal initially exploded on an Atlanta stage when in real time the country witnessed our commander-in-chief confirm through his cognitively impaired performance that he is not running our country and that a vote for Joe Biden will be tallied for some unnamed other.... (more)
June 30, 2024
DAN FERRIS OF STANSBERRY RESEARCH — I’m convinced the ONLY way the Democrats can keep the White House is to bring back Barack Obama. And I believe they’ve figured out a sneaky (yet 100% legal) way to achieve this. I’ll show you the evidence, proving why I’m certain this Election Day shakeup has already begun. This is far worse than anything you’ve planned for.... (more)
June 29, 2024
DAILY CALLER — The Supreme Court held Friday that the Department of Justice (DOJ) interpreted an obstruction statute too broadly when using it to charge hundreds of defendants for their behavior in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. The court sided 6-3 in Fischer v. United States with a defendant who challenged the statute, Section 1512(c)(2), which holds up to 20 years in prison for anyone who “obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding.”... (more)
June 29, 2024
YOUTUBE — Jonathan Roumie's responded to The View's modern interpretation of Jesus Christ. Witness Roumie's defense against claims that Jesus was a social justice warrior and explore the complexities of historical versus contemporary views. Watch as he navigates through this heated discussion, challenging the panel's perspectives with historical facts and personal beliefs.... (more)
June 29, 2024
YOUTUBE — 'The Five' co-hosts weigh in on the media's freak-out over President Biden's CNN Presidential Debate performance against former President Trump.... (more)
June 28, 2024
THE FEDERALIST — President Joe Biden isn’t known for telling the truth. So, it came as no surprise when the Delaware Democrat got up on stage to tell some pretty tall tales during Thursday’s debate with former President Donald Trump. From the crisis he created at the U.S.-Mexico border to manufactured hoaxes about his opponent, there was almost no subject Biden didn’t lie about. Here are the 20 biggest whoppers he told during Thursday night’s matchup with the Orange Man.... (more)
June 28, 2024
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Jeff Landry, the governor of Louisiana, has been stirring a hornets’ nest recently by promoting a new law that mandates the Ten Commandments in that state’s public schools. Already the ACLU are suing to block the new bill on behalf of some parents.... (more)
June 27, 2024
BOB UNRUH — Joe Biden spent much of the evening appearing to look down at his podium as President Donald Trump accused him of making the United States a "rat's nest" at the presidential debate Thursday on CNN. And Biden made several false claims about Trump. On the border, through which Biden has allowed millions of illegal aliens to come, Trump said, "All he had to do was leave it alone. He decided to open up our border." It's one of the major concerns for voters this year.... (more)
June 26, 2024
YOUTUBE — SATIRE: Watch satirist JP Sears' spoof of an interview with leftist Trump-hating actor Robert De Niro... (more)
June 25, 2024
JUST THE NEWS — With CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash set to moderate the first presidential debate on Thursday, the network and other Biden-friendly media have attempted to brush aside some of their prior comments indicating a bias against former President Donald Trump. But Tapper’s on-air record is extensive and the campaign sees good reason for Trump to not expect even-handed treatment.... (more)
June 25, 2024
THE FEDERALIST — Louisiana made news this week for passing a law that mandates the Ten Commandments be displayed on the walls of every public school classroom, including elementary schools, middle and high schools, and all public college classrooms.... (more)
June 24, 2024
CLIFF KINCAID — With right-wing parties making gains in European Union parliamentary elections, it is apparent that a global rejection of the status quo is paving the way for President Trump to win the U.S. presidency in a decisive manner. While some commentators are focused on whether Joe Biden can make it all the way to November’s elections because of his old age and senility, the real question is whether the communists and globalists may decide the time is right to take out Trump by any means necessary.... (more)