Rev. Austin Miles column
Sadly, Rev. Austin Miles passed away on April 12, 2023, at age 89. His memorial service was held June 3, 2023. His obituary can be read here.

He has broken many major stories including the required study of Islam in the public schools, and reviews books, movies and concerts which brought him an award from University of California at Fullerton for Critical Review. He was a writer/researcher and technical consultant for the multi-award winning series "Ancient Secrets of The Bible," which debuted on CBS TV and has been in constant re-runs since.

Pastor continues preaching a sermon every week despite war on churches
Rev. Austin Miles
August 16, 2021

America was formed mainly for freedom of religious expression, meaning worshipping God. Plus, freedom of movement was a factor, as many of the world's cities . . .

City agrees on 'reparations'
Rev. Austin Miles
July 11, 2021

AMHERST, MA 7/11/21 This writer has always looked at New England as an area peopled with well-read, well-spoken, educated, talented folk. They know . . .

Would you be the better president?
Rev. Austin Miles
June 19, 2021

Over the centuries, the patrons in barber shops and beauty salons across the nation have long discussed the presidency. "Why, I could be a better . . .

Chinese Communism is here!!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 12, 2021

First of all, do not harm any Asians you see in public. Not all of them agree with Communism, and many are good people. I remember a Chinese . . .

Canada's leap from socialism to communism!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 6, 2021

We saw this coming for a long time. And it seemed to explode extemporaneously within this last month. It had already pushed off in the United States, . . .

Truth of Covid 19 & the Wuhan Lab
Rev. Austin Miles
May 27, 2021

China is a totally Communist country. The Communist goal is to forcibly compel the world to serve Communism. That has been their goal for decades. China is the . . .

No genderized talk allowed!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 21, 2021

This insanity began several years ago when I was about to marry a couple. I looked at the marriage license and almost choked. It did not list BRIDE . . .

Inviting folks to church now a crime!! (?)
Rev. Austin Miles
May 14, 2021

FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS! Pastor Arrested for, now get this, inviting people to come to church! WHAT???? And the exact charge? "Inciting people to worship." . . .

Mothers: a gift or not a gift?
Rev. Austin Miles
May 6, 2021

Working as a chaplain I have spoken to many young and older people about their mothers. Some were in a violent world they had created for themselves, while some . . .

D.C. cannot become a state!! + Erasing history
Rev. Austin Miles
May 4, 2021

The Dem Communists are determined to make Washington, D.C. a separate state in order to add two more representatives for the House in order to swing all . . .

Academy Awards show a dud!! Time to go back to hand cranked cameras!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 26, 2021

The so-called Academy Awards Show tonight was the worst presentation ever shown on TV. First of all it exhibited no excellence. There was no structure. . . .

Biden qualifies for impeachment!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 13, 2021

The articles of impeachment were drawn up to save us from imperial presidents who manage to grab the office, not for the service of the people, but on the . . .

Easter special: How Jesus might look back at the cross
Rev. Austin Miles
March 30, 2021

Note: Republished from April 19, 2019 Note to readers: In the late 1990's, a church prepared to produce an Easter program, with several chosen to . . .

The Biden disaster that is destroying America!!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 25, 2021

BOULDER, COLORADO 3/24/21 – Today was another Joe Biden Day. A mass shooting in Colorado killed 10 Americans. The leftist run newspapers failed . . .

Legit impeachment with merit!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 17, 2021

Am I the only one who gags when I hear or read the words "President Biden?" What a difference between Donald Trump and Basement Joe Biden. President Trump . . .

Famous Wallenda family member dies
Rev. Austin Miles
March 10, 2021

The best known high wire act in circus history would be The Great Wallendas. The Patriarch of the family, Karl, came to America with his troupe from Germany . . .

Trump hatred has crossed the line of insanity
Rev. Austin Miles
February 23, 2021

The Demonrat Party has now become properly known as The Party of Hatred. Their hatred for President Donald Trump goes beyond any out of control mental issues . . .

Ridiculous impeachment over job well done!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 14, 2021

The first thing 'lawmakers' should know is (stand by), the law! What a concept! And they should know the names for legitimate legal charges and what evidence . . .

Election manipulation confirmed!! Finally! Breaking!! Here's the truth!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 8, 2021

We knew that Donald Trump was given 77 million votes. That could not be hidden. Yet the Communist Democrats strained to convince us that this count wasn't . . .

How can one be fired from job he didn't have?
Rev. Austin Miles
January 27, 2021

This writer is puzzled. Someone help me with this. Can one be thrown out of Walmart when he or she was never in that store? Can one be ordered out of a taxi . . .

Trump did NOT incite D.C.riots!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 23, 2021

The lying newspapers today are only useful if one has a caged bird. I am sick and tired of reading that Trump supporters were responsible for the . . .

Is U.S. the latest banana republic? Not by Trump’s order!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 7, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 6, 2021. It was an event nobody expected to see even though this writer saw it coming years ago. On January 6th, America was . . .

Santa's surprising origins – A Christmas classic feature
Rev. Austin Miles
December 21, 2020

MYRA – (Note To Readers: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, . . .

Drag racer Denny Guinta completes final lap
Rev. Austin Miles
December 18, 2020

The toughest thing for any writer to do is announce the departure of a best friend. A best friend is closer than a brother even though both are gifts from God . . .

Dancing in the cemetery!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 3, 2020

Having heard numerous stories of dead people voting during this past election, apparently there has been activity in the grave yards for longer than we have . . .

Lying news media fakes Trump election recount results
Rev. Austin Miles
November 23, 2020

The nations' newspapers and news reports state that the recounts of this presidential election show no evidence of voter suppression or manipulation. Basement . . .

VP Joe Biden officiates same-sex "marriage" in White House!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 12, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. Just when one thinks things cannot get worse, they do! While Joe Biden was Vice President to faux president Barack Obama, the White House had . . .

Pope goes the weasel!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 1, 2020

Yes, this title is a version of the kindergarten song that many still remember. In this version the Pope becomes the weasel. A weasel is a mammal of the genus . . .

Public apology to Rev. Erwin Lutzer
Rev. Austin Miles
October 25, 2020

This is long overdue, almost 30 years overdue. I was once very rude to the pastor of Moody Church in Chicago during his radio program on WGN where I was invited . . .

Lies, fake news & politicians
Rev. Austin Miles
October 13, 2020

There was a time when Journalism was a sophisticated and respected occupation. Journalists were accurate, made sure the facts were straight and.... were highly . . .

Coming attractions: Dem women's naked bike ride!!
Rev. Austin Miles
October 6, 2020

PORTLAND 10/5/20-For those groups of select men who secretly lust after Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein (God forbid), they will have the opportunity to stroke . . .

Trump-Biden debate more a brawl
Rev. Austin Miles
September 29, 2020

While getting prepared for the debate tonight, someone asked if Joe Biden had enough knowledge to go through with this verbal gymnastics contest. Biden . . .

Ancient Chinese philosopher's word for today
Rev. Austin Miles
September 19, 2020

Chinese Philosopher Sun Tzu who wrote the classic book, The Art of War, stated firmly that to win a war, one must first "know his enemy." This is essential . . .

Rev. Austin Miles' close call – released from hospital
Rev. Austin Miles
August 26, 2020

Writer Rev. Austin Miles seemed to vanish from sight. The host of the popular website:, which has over eight and a half million . . .

Seattle demands whiteness identity to end!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 11, 2020

Aren't re-education or re-indoctrination camps exclusive to China and other Communists countries? Not anymore. Thunder-headed big-bottomed leaders in Seattle . . .

CA governor's new order: NO SINGING IN CHURCH!!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 3, 2020

The biggest obstacle restraining the Communist Party from world domination is the church. A true Christian mind cannot be enslaved. The United States . . .

Statues of Jesus next!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 24, 2020

Democrat Communists who are attempting a coup d'etat against the United States have boldly announced that their next assignment is to tear down all . . .

Cruelty to animals a felony!!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 20, 2020

Outrageous. Boise Man gets animal out of shelter, brings it home, then tortures it I am an animal lover and advocate. An Idaho Representative I contacted . . .

Business trademarks based on blacks YANKED!!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 18, 2020

This empty-headed race war, choreographed by Democrat Communists to weaken America, has now passed the mark of ridiculousness. The packaging of Aunt Jemina's . . .

Floyd's death based on empty-headed stereotyping !!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 13, 2020

The reason given by police for taking down and choking George Floyd to death was that he tried to pay for something [with] what turned out to be a counterfeit 2 . . .

Therapists' offices jammed!!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 11, 2020

Due to this crazy Democrat society we are living in, is it any wonder that Mental Therapists are solidly booked? So solid in fact that future appointments are . . .

Police closing churches – Communism wins?
Rev. Austin Miles
June 3, 2020

While everyone slept, the Communist Party slipped in and took control of America. The action was and is subtle at the moment, but this is now a reality . . .

Coronavirus created to overpower America
Rev. Austin Miles
May 30, 2020

The Communist Party had their working plans to put America under their power back in the 1960's when they created and provoked the "Question Authority" . . .

Coronavirus not accidental-CREATED for revenge
Rev. Austin Miles
May 9, 2020

There have been many plagues throughout history. It is difficult to imagine that this pandemic, like others, simply manifested out of nowhere. It did . . .

New virus targets Democrats!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 2, 2020

Just when governors are ready to cancel the quarantine, with all citizens staying home and distancing themselves from one another during the Coronavirus . . .

Shocker!! Dem rats "excited over pandemic!" What?
Rev. Austin Miles
April 24, 2020

The Bible tells us that there are two forces to deal with in this world, good....and....evil. The distinction is easy. The Republicans are good and the . . .

MilesTones: TOILET PAPER HOARDER - Stimulus Package (?)
Rev. Austin Miles
April 22, 2020

We're sure you've already heard about the man who hoarded toilet paper, having been filled with the horrific idea that there would be no more available as this . . .

The cross should cancel out virus fear
Rev. Austin Miles
April 9, 2020

One of the most perplexing events in our history would have to be the coronavirus that has literally stopped the entire world in its tracks. This "pandemic" . . .

666 is here as Bible predicted! – Not click bait – for real!!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 8, 2020

While the democrat-Communist party was keeping us all distracted by such things as that idiotic 'impeachment' charade against the best president in modern . . .

The ultimate 'how to' instructions for virus
Rev. Austin Miles
April 3, 2020

A group of us like to meet confidentially each Friday in an undisclosed location to discuss the latest happenings of the world and analyze them. Please . . .

Chaplains banned from hospital bedside ministry
Rev. Austin Miles
March 31, 2020

During this Coronavirus emergency, a new category of ministry has been created, Chaplains at a distance. Even if wearing a protective mask and outerwear, . . .

Demrats almost caused preacher to cuss
Rev. Austin Miles
March 11, 2020

The Demoncrap bastards just did it again. How hold on, this particular word in that sentence is not a cuss word. Indeed it is a Biblical term to describe the . . .

Do not miss this conference for devoted ministers
Rev. Austin Miles
March 6, 2020

Many ministers can be found throughout the world. But how many have you found who are truly sold out to God, and want only to serve Him? It would take less . . .

Dem shoutfest drowns debate
Rev. Austin Miles
February 26, 2020

CHARLESTON, SC 2/25/20 – There were many takeaways from the Democratic Debate in South Carolina this evening including the definition of democrats, what . . .

Franklin Graham prohibited from preaching in UK!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 23, 2020

Franklin Graham was scheduled to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the United Kingdom. What a treat this would have been for the UK. What a gift this would . . .

Trump's handshake 'refusal' a lie!!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 5, 2020

Washington, D.C. 2/5/20 – On Tuesday, the best show in town was unveiled in the Nation's Capitol Senate Chambers, where President Donald J. Trump was set . . .

Depraved men now raping animals!!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 25, 2020

READERS – BRACE YOURSELVES BEFORE READING. First here is a brief and true history of sex. In the beginning, God created man, then He created woman. . . .

Sheep dog saves herd from Aussie fires!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 11, 2020

A little black and white sheepdog has a job as sheep herder that she takes seriously. Day by day she guided the sheep to various locations. The sheep seemed . . .

Muslims, not climate change, cause of Australian fires
Rev. Austin Miles
January 8, 2020

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA 1/7/20. There has already been enough money made through the "Climate Change" hoax. Al Gore earned over a million dollars to front and . . .

Christianity (NOT) Today – Galli whopper
Rev. Austin Miles
January 5, 2020

After four attacks on me published on and by the magazine, Christianity Today (CT), I called Editor Mark Galli and asked, "What would Billy Graham think of you . . .

No more bomb sniffing dogs sent to Muslim countries
Rev. Austin Miles
December 27, 2019

Even though Jordan and Egypt are considered 'allies' of The United States, they are still controlled by Islam. This means it is a mistake to trust them. The . . .

Church production big hit on Broadway!!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 23, 2019

NEW YORK CITY 12/22/19 – The Beacon Theater on Broadway was filled to the rafters with a classy musical production with dancing, singing and even some . . .

Pelosi's failure to deliver House papers to Senate nullifies impeachment!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 20, 2019

President Trump's "impeachment" is not valid until the House impeachment papers are delivered to the Senate for ratification. For some strange reason, Pelosi . . .

Anatomy of a bogus impeachment attempt
Rev. Austin Miles
December 19, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. 12/18/19 – So let's get this straight. There are two political parties running the U.S. The people vote on which political party's . . .

Royalty of the airwaves – Bob and Geri Boyd!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 12, 2019

A cacophony of voices with various opinions and ideas can be found on any radio. One can hear angry voices, ready-for-battle-voices, challenging voices, and . . .

Daffy Dems now push for gender neutral Santa!! What???
Rev. Austin Miles
December 8, 2019

We never know what is coming in on our press hotline. Today provided a real corker. This writer was so mad that it was necessary to go out and find a layman . . .

What really is behind impeachment insanity!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 6, 2019

The vicious attacks on President Donald Trump, including the current impeachment insanity orchestrated by the Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy Pelosi, has a far . . .

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade received the memo
Rev. Austin Miles
November 29, 2019

NEW YORK CITY 11/28/19 – HOORAY! Today's Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was a PARADE! They seemed to have taken a mental enema several years ago when the . . .

President Trump signs bill to stop animal cruelty-YES!!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 26, 2019

Richard Firth is a faithful reader who spots and sends me news items I may have overlooked. The one received by him last night at midnight made me cheer out . . .

Victory for readers who stood up for animals !!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 20, 2019

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. Mahatma Gandhi It is no secret that this minister-writer . . .

Crying over an obituary of a female I didn't know
Rev. Austin Miles
November 15, 2019

It is never certain what my emails will bring in each day. With one to three thousand emails a day, there is bound to be something that this writer will react . . .

GOD BLESS THE QUEEN for abolishing animal fur for fashion
Rev. Austin Miles
November 8, 2019

Queen Elizabeth is everything a Queen should be. She is poised, a gentle woman who cares for the people she rules, and is still very attractive. This columnist . . .

Saw it coming--reparations now not enough! What??
Rev. Austin Miles
October 28, 2019

Anger Alert! Those with high blood pressure might consider skipping this column. Anyone who can read this while remaining calm is a superior person indeed . . .

Dem rep's final double-cross on death bed
Rev. Austin Miles
October 24, 2019

Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings, who was House Oversight Committee Chairman, died last Thursday (10/16), but not before he could commit one last double . . .

Watching our words – caution!
Rev. Austin Miles
October 18, 2019

Behind The Iron Curtain, a cesspool of unhappiness, stress, control along with uncertainty was a part of everyday life. This was the first place I learned . . .

LGBTQ wrongly assumes authority to dictate our words – caution!
Rev. Austin Miles
October 17, 2019

Behind The Iron Curtain, a cesspool of unhappiness, stress, control along with uncertainty was a part of everyday life. This was the first place I learned . . .

Al Gore's climate change disaster nothing but hot air
Rev. Austin Miles
October 10, 2019

Al Gore wanted us all to believe that the universe was heating up due to climate change, blaming it on our use of fossil fuels, and in general, polluting the . . .

Woman patriot taking on Pelosi for California seat!!
Rev. Austin Miles
October 4, 2019

Just as California seems to be taking its last breath, a possible woman Savior has suddenly appeared in the midst of the corrupt den of thieves. Yes, a woman, . . .

MilesTones - The inside track of Rev. Austin
Rev. Austin Miles
September 25, 2019

This past Sunday (September 22) my birthday celebration took place. I won't say how old I am, but when they lit the candles on the cake, six people were . . .

Not a near-death experience, but a DEATH experience!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 13, 2019

A favorite preacher, Robert Jeffress, is seen on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) each week. This supporter watches him regularly. However, last Sunday he . . .

Historical American statues? No! Filthy perverts' statues? Of course
Rev. Austin Miles
September 12, 2019

The times are-a- gettin' crazier as a once successful country insists upon committing suicide. Before our country was born, there were Communist rulers in . . .

VAPING--The ultimate bait & switch scheme
Rev. Austin Miles
September 4, 2019

The trendiest trend today, which is witnessed amongst hip young people, is a stupid recreation called, Vaping. It is actually the same thing as smoking but it . . .

Jailed child molester sues for state funded sex surgery
Rev. Austin Miles
August 28, 2019

BOISE, Idaho 8/27/19 – Idaho is considered one of the most conservative states in America. The people are cordial and friendly church-goers, apple pie, . . .

Trump did NOT participate in Jeffrey Epstein's child sex ring+suicide (?)
Rev. Austin Miles
August 19, 2019

NEW YORK CITY: 8/18/19 – Jeffrey Epstein was a self made billionaire. Not from being a clever stock trader, expert investor. or economic genius, mind you . . .

BREAKING! Is this Obama's birth certificate?
Rev. Austin Miles
August 13, 2019

The biggest hoax on earth took place when Billionaire Communist George Soros maneuvered Barack Hussein Obama into the Oval Office as (hard swallow), President . . .

Biden sez Trump promotes White Supremacy in code
Rev. Austin Miles
August 7, 2019

This explains it all. And it is classic. All the hate filled words Democrats say that Trump said were actually told in code by Trump, this way nobody would . . .

Satan worshipers massacre dozens
Rev. Austin Miles
August 6, 2019

It is not coincidence. At the exact time that Satanism had been brought into public schools the indiscriminate murders have gained traction. Statues of Satan . . .

Horse sues owner for mistreatment!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 27, 2019

This writer who loves animals would always be disturbed if anyone charged with animal cruelty walked out of a courtroom without even a slap on the wrist. We . . .

The Trumps PROVED racist by getting white dog! SERIOUSLY?
Rev. Austin Miles
July 22, 2019

I almost choked on my coffee this morning when I got a message from a leading columnist with a clip that states that the Trump Family has now proved to be . . .

Puppy snuff films + farm raised lions for thrill kills!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 16, 2019

Somewhere in the 60's or 70's a sick phenomenon proved highly profitable. The showing of Snuff Films. These were films where someone was actually killed in the . . .

Pastors to blame for America's downfall
Rev. Austin Miles
July 11, 2019

Readers: My recent column regarding Pastor Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria flying to New York to take part in an LGBTQD presentation in the Apollo Theater . . .

Joel Osteen flies to New York for LGBTQD event
Rev. Austin Miles
July 3, 2019

Houston Pastor Joel Osteen and his lovely wife Victoria publicly showed their support of the LGBTQD – Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queers and . . .

Dem debate #2
Rev. Austin Miles
June 28, 2019

MIAMI 6/27/19 – First of all, the headline is descriptive of the story, not an opinion or editorial. Read it again. Thursday night, the final 10 Democrats . . .

Wednesday's Dem debate
Rev. Austin Miles
June 26, 2019

MIAMI 6/26/19 – Wednesday night, ten Presidential hopefuls took the stage in Miami to sell the public on their qualifications (?) to be President of The . . .

Rooftop snipers protect LGBTD grooming children
Rev. Austin Miles
June 19, 2019

SPOKANE, Wash 6/19/19 Through the persuasion of Satan, an LGBTD* event, at a Washington Public Library allowed a "Drag Queen Story Hour" to take place there . . .

Father's Day includes stepdads
Rev. Austin Miles
June 16, 2019

Anyone can be a father. But not everyone can be a dad. Be sure to acknowledge those stepdads fully, even a neighbor that became like a dad to you when you did . . .

Sunday's Tony Awards – from boffo opening to the toilet
Rev. Austin Miles
June 15, 2019

I held off in writing this piece since in my younger days I was in show business. Of course that was the days when the "F" word was not used in shows or . . .

Inside the Supreme Court – Media will not touch this!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 13, 2019

This is something you will not see or hear about in the Print Press, or on television. Neil Gorsuch has only been on the Supreme Court for a short while. . . .

Trump badly advised on homosexual agenda!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 9, 2019

President Trump is already running for re-election, although the formal announcement won't come for a couple of weeks, which may have a bearing on what has just . . .

Condom races by 10 and 11 year olds to "aroused" statue in California schools
Rev. Austin Miles
June 3, 2019

READER ADVISORY: The content in this outrageous story will be disturbing to all but Democrats who believe in destroying all that is good. For those who do . . .

Attempts to impeach Trump residue of a bull!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 30, 2019

The moment Donald J. Trump was elected as President of the United States, while Hillary screamed and wailed in the distance, efforts were made to....impeach him . . .

Is God in the destructive storms?
Rev. Austin Miles
May 28, 2019

BOISE, ID 5/28/19 – Yesterday a small tornado touched down near Mountain Home, Idaho, which is very unusual. Tornadoes in Idaho are infrequent and have a . . .

Illegal health care worker murders 12 patients
Rev. Austin Miles
May 22, 2019

Did you know that Democrat-Communists accuse anyone as being a racist who inquires about someone's legal status? Yes, this is the latest, despite the fact that . . .

Mothers a gift or not a gift?
Rev. Austin Miles
May 11, 2019

Working as a chaplain I have spoken to many young and older people about their mothers. Some were in a violent world they had created for themselves, while . . .

New California school books slam-dumpTrump!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 5, 2019

Our schools today are not places of higher learning, but government re-education camps of propaganda to further the One World Order agenda where the world would . . .

Ben Carson – HUD housing ONLY for American citizens
Rev. Austin Miles
April 25, 2019

ALERT!! Common sense suddenly struck the Beltway which is a rare occurrence indeed. It has taken everyone by surprise. Actually, this is the second time. The . . .

Easter special: How Jesus might look back at the cross
Rev. Austin Miles
April 19, 2019

(Note to Readers: In the late 1990's a church prepared to produce an Easter Program, with several chosen to play the parts of those who had been with Jesus . . .

Mentally ill immigrant throws boy off mall balcony
Rev. Austin Miles
April 18, 2019

Recently this writer posted a story regarding the murder of actress Rebecca Schaeffer by an un-institutionalized nut job who got her home address from the DMV  . . .

Did Muslims start Notre Dame fire?
Rev. Austin Miles
April 16, 2019

Why has no other writer asked this question? Simply because most are afraid to. When someone tried to bring up this subject with Shepherd Smith, the gay news . . .

20/20--Rebecca Schaeffer murder report resonates with columnist
Rev. Austin Miles
April 13, 2019

HOLLYWOOD 4/13/19-Last evening the NBC program, 20/20 told the story of the murder of popular actress Rebecca Schaeffer by a deranged stalker/fan. At that time . . .

Animal book author flayed by hunter
Rev. Austin Miles
April 1, 2019

A Mike Naye contacted me criticizing my book, God and Animals, after only looking at a couple of free paragraphs shown by Amazon, stating that my misguided . . .

Jussie Smollett escapes 16 felony counts!!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 27, 2019

CHICAGO 3/27/19 – The black "gay" Empire actor felt he was being slighted, under-paid and not fully appreciated by his audience. He decided to up the ante . . .

Mueller's witch hunt PROVES to be just that
Rev. Austin Miles
March 25, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. 3/24/19 – Robert Mueller is a strange looking man, if not downright spooky. He has a long Boris Korloff type face that enabled Korloff to . . .

Fluid gender children coming to palace says Meghan
Rev. Austin Miles
March 15, 2019

This news has rocked The British Isles with such a wallop that the Brits can no longer exhibit a stiff upper lip....or anything else. This shocking news would . . .

Trump's kick-in-the-pants by SUPPORTER (!)
Rev. Austin Miles
March 8, 2019

This is something I never thought I would write since, as most of you know, I am and have been a staunch President Trump supporter. And it was right to be so. . . .

Connecting dots creates shocking truth
Rev. Austin Miles
March 6, 2019

Lawrence Craig is a patriot who has an incredible library of research material, papers, old history books, and published records regarding practically . . .

DemRats now known as party of Molech!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 28, 2019

The pagan god Molech, known as the, god of fire, had as his mission, according to its deluded followers, the destruction of children, especially babies. And . . .

Oscars – Oh, so BLACK!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 25, 2019

HOLLYWOOD-2/25/19 – Admittedly, this headline was influenced by one a couple of years ago that said: "Oscars – Oh so White!" Many blacks complained . . .

At last – a pastor who mans his pulpit!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 16, 2019

Pastors who preach the truth these days are rare. Preachers today are more concerned with not offending anyone than they are about preaching the pure Gospel . . .

President Trump's White House Budget EXPOSED!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 13, 2019

On Friday, the Trump administration released their annual report to Congress on White House Office Personnel. It includes the name, status, salary and position . . .

Hillary in Blackface?
Rev. Austin Miles
February 11, 2019

A photo presumably taken at a costume party years ago shows Bill Clinton as a simple farm boy and Hillary in black face. When the photo of a Republican in . . .

The silence of the damned
Rev. Austin Miles
February 8, 2019

Silence is an action. It is an action that says, "OK" or "Not OK." If the Demon Rats attack President Trump and we do nothing in response, this demonstrates a . . .

President Trump: "America will N O T become a Socialist nation!"
Rev. Austin Miles
February 7, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. 2/5/10 – It is interesting as a journalist how two or three writers come up with the same headline at the same time when doing a story. . . .

The wall needs to be around California
Rev. Austin Miles
February 2, 2019

While the wall separating the borders is important and would be a deterrent to those wanting to come into the U.S.A. who should not be here, such as smugglers . . .

MilesTones: Beware of contagious Pelosium disease!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 28, 2019

Many diseases have been connected to Washington, D.C. With such an active swamp that needs to be drained, it is obvious why so much sick ideas seep out of it.  . . .

Germany pushing for One World Order
Rev. Austin Miles
January 24, 2019

Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany is a strange character and indeed, mysterious. Many have suggested that she is the daughter of Adolf Hitler even though . . .

Howling For Wolves condemns three wildlife killing contests to be held this weekend in Minnesota as cruel, ineffective, and disastrous for wildlife
Rev. Austin Miles
January 18, 2019

This came to me as an urgent Press Release which I gladly have posted on my website: and on the news wire. People, please put a . . .

Is the New One World leader here?
Rev. Austin Miles
January 16, 2019

Remember when a sudden new leader was thrust upon the world even though nothing was known about him? No information about him came forth: birth records, . . .

Pope Francis: "Christians must reject sovereignty--Embrace globalism"
Rev. Austin Miles
January 6, 2019

The Vatican – 1/6/19-Pope Francis just stated clearly that Christians must reject Sovereignty and embrace Globalism in order to make the world a better . . .

Overflow crowd greets Garth Brooks' stadium concert
Rev. Austin Miles
December 29, 2018

University of Notre Dame 12/29/18. Last night-(Friday-28th), a country singer not only performed in the gigantic Notre Dame football stadium, but did so . . .

Santa's surprising origins -- A Christmas classic feature
Rev. Austin Miles
December 23, 2018

MYRA – (Note To Readers: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, . . .

CBS & ABC announce miraculous healing (!)
Rev. Austin Miles
December 22, 2018

AUSTIN, TX 12/22: There is one thing the leftist-liberal media will NOT cover – a proven miracle of God which was the same in the old Soviet Union and . . .

Michelle O. says she's smarter than anyone
Rev. Austin Miles
December 18, 2018

The Flag and Cross is one of the several news sites that broke this incredible story about Michelle Obama saying and thinking she is "smarter" than anyone. I . . .

New animal book answers THE question
Rev. Austin Miles
December 11, 2018

Many have agonized over the loss of a beloved pet. "Is this it?" Is this all there is?" Is my dear pet gone forever?" "Why?" This can be a heart wrenching . . .

BREAKING! Muslims to mob border to assist illegal immigrants!!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 8, 2018

SAN DIEGO – The Council on American-Islamic Relations – "CAIR" – an activist organization to strengthen Muslims in their goals to bring Sharia . . .

Which countries allow "birthright" citizenship?
Rev. Austin Miles
December 5, 2018

Birthright Citizenship means that whatever country a baby is born in, makes it a citizen of that country. This subject has been in the news constantly since the . . .

Miles Tones--Way back when people were polite
Rev. Austin Miles
November 27, 2018

We have been through the Bronze Age, the Age of Faith, the Age of Reason, the Age of Enlightenment, the Age of Louis X1V, and the Age of Voltaire. Even with . . .

Macy's lesbian kiss inflames viewers
Rev. Austin Miles
November 24, 2018

DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING: Macy's Department Stores are now a showcase for perversion and disease. They sickly promoted homosexual acts as seen in the . . .

Kavanaugh's accuser worse than thought
Rev. Austin Miles
November 19, 2018

Who can forget Christine Blasey Ford, the dim-witted blonde with the mature face and little girl voice who blatantly accused Supreme Court Candidate Brett . . .

Does music sooth the savage beast?
Rev. Austin Miles
November 15, 2018

Now this is not about Democrats. This is about four legged beasts, even though this writer would not call an elephant a beast. An elephant is a very social . . .

MilesTones--Made in China apartments' new concept
Rev. Austin Miles
November 13, 2018

My favorite emails come from Bob and Geri Boyd, hosts of the national radio program, Issues in Education. Like me, they both get a kick out of things and love . . .

Black Panthers' constitution--brace yourselves!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 10, 2018

This columnist believes that the 'race wars,' did not naturally happen. The black race was agitated, probably by George Soros, who was reaching for any method . . .

UNREPORTED: Black Panthers' voter intimidation!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 7, 2018

The Black Panthers small mob, armed with AR 15 Rifles, stood menacingly near the voting area, where Georgia black democrat woman, Stacy Abrams, placed her bid . . .

BREAKING! Citizen militias heading to border!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 5, 2018

With the upcoming invasion of thousands of migrants coming with the intention of crashing our borders and virtually taking over our country, it was astonishing . . .

Dem women pose nude for votes
Rev. Austin Miles
November 3, 2018

You read the headline correctly. A new ad for the purpose of gaining Democrat votes brace yourselves...nude photos of Democrat women! Our . . .

Weaponless military to protect America-WHAT ?
Rev. Austin Miles
October 29, 2018

What in the name of the devil's domain caused the president to decide to use uniformed military troupes to confront and stop the caravan consisting of thousands . . .

Attempted bombing of Soros' mailbox
Rev. Austin Miles
October 24, 2018

NEW YORK 10/23/18 – Someone just attempted to kill George Soros by placing a bomb in the mailbox in front of his mansion in Katona, New York, in the . . .

California in confused state
Rev. Austin Miles
October 20, 2018

This will explain everything. Consider this. Chief Heather Fong (left), is the first SFPD female, lesbian chief of police. Theresa Sparks (center), a former . . .

Soros group kicked out of Hungary
Rev. Austin Miles
October 17, 2018

After growing pressure from the right-wing-government in Hungary, George Soros' pro-democracy Open Society Foundation, was shown the door to get out of the . . .

Soros highly ethical principled man--Sez reader
Rev. Austin Miles
October 8, 2018

Yep, you read the headline right. This writer got a lashing from a reader who is a George Soros fan and supporter who emphatically states that Soros is not a . . .

Rev. Austin Miles
October 6, 2018

Despite screaming women in the gallery attempting to disrupt the voting process for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Senate with a narrow margin of 48-50, confirmed . . .

Soros women ambushed Flake elevator
Rev. Austin Miles
October 3, 2018

One of the most famous TV captures, during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, was an elevator containing Sen. Jeff Flake opening its doors as two women ambushed it . . .

BREAKING!! Expert says Ford's letter faked!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 27, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. 9/26/18-The talk around the water coolers for the past week has centered around a proclaimed 'Professor,' Christine Blasey Ford (not . . .

Only Democrat women accusing!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 24, 2018

It is curious that not one Republican woman or a young one with Republican parents have charged Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with violent sexual . . .

Kavanaugh accuser's motive revealed !!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 19, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford, who suddenly remembered that 36 years ago, as a teenager in high school, Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, also a high school . . .

70th Emmy Awards Show surprise
Rev. Austin Miles
September 18, 2018

First the good news. A huge surprise in the Emmy Awards tonight was that there was not one anti-Trump message. No "F" words were hurled out by the actors and . . .

Kaepernick finances abortion clinics!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 11, 2018

This piece is admittedly published with bias against the subject, Colin Kaepernick. This writer is a veteran who was hit with Mustard Gas during the Korean . . .

Miles Tones: Celebrating anomynity
Rev. Austin Miles
September 9, 2018

We've heard a lot about the word anonymous during this past week. Many of the definitions have not been kind. And what's wrong with being anonymous? Let's do . . .

Secret op-ed Trump-bashing published by NYT!!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 7, 2018

The Gray Lady has become bald since, by a hair, the New York Times has scored it's greatest triumph, so it thinks. By publishing an elaborate thought out . . .

Lawsuit collides with words in Bible!! What?
Rev. Austin Miles
August 29, 2018

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – 8/28/18 – The 'Show me' State has done it again. This time the Missouri legislators passed a law prohibiting any plant-based . . .

Inventions of genius woman saves lives
Rev. Austin Miles
August 26, 2018

480 people killed each year by rollover tractors-grass cutters Liza Hart appears to be an everyday woman who could be encountered in any downtown area in . . .

Slanting journalism taught at Columbia U.
Rev. Austin Miles
August 23, 2018

New York 8/23/18 – Columbia University Journalism Dept. has trained many prominent journalists and TV news commentators. They publish a newsletter . . .

BLASPHEMY! Colleges queering the Bible and God!!!
Rev. Austin Miles
August 20, 2018

This is a column I never expected to write. But how could it really NOT be expected as the stage was being carefully set to sodomize the world. Little by . . .

Death panels alive and well
Rev. Austin Miles
August 13, 2018

Most can remember when Sarah Palin, in opposition to the Obamacare hoax, stated that there would be death panels. These would be committees that would decide . . .

Gov. Moonbeam's gay porn push in schools
Rev. Austin Miles
August 5, 2018

SACRAMENTO 8/4/18 – This morning I published an excellent column on my, which at this moment has more than 6 and a half  . . .

Incoming Mexican president vows to cooperate with Trump
Rev. Austin Miles
July 30, 2018

This columnist waited several days to see if the 'main stream media' MSM, would release this very important story that makes President Trump look good. They . . .

Goverments axing wild animal protections
Rev. Austin Miles
July 18, 2018

ST. PAUL 7/17/18 – Do governments not have two obligations – to protect people and to protect animals, which God has also created? You bet . . .

"Little House on the Prairie" now declared racist/homophobic!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 13, 2018

Here is another classic series of books, made into a film series, that now must be burned, not only physically but psychologically. Not only does the headline . . .

Karma can be a...poachers' surprise
Rev. Austin Miles
July 6, 2018

SIBUYA GAME RESERVE South Africa 7/5/18. Karma can be a female dog – (the advanced version of that identification has been rejected since we have high . . .

Time cover photo a FAKE!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 23, 2018

An outraged world is fuming over the new Time magazine cover photo showing President Donald Trump standing tall, looking superior over a tiny “refugee” . . .

Wild wolves represented in Minnesota court battle
Rev. Austin Miles
June 18, 2018

ST. PAUL, MINN-6/18/18 – There are mental cases who ENJOY causing innocent animals to suffer. There are others who get perverted thrills from simply . . .

A day to honor fathers and substitute fathers
Rev. Austin Miles
June 17, 2018

FATHER'S DAY 2018: While a little boy, I would actually envy friends I would visit who obviously were loved by their fathers. They HAD a father. How great that . . .

Charge De Niro with public obscenity!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 14, 2018

NEW YORK-Tuesday- 6/11/18...I would not watch the Tony Awards last night. First of all, I have more to do than watch a bunch of ham actors and actresses . . .

Public school teachers cruelly kill animals in front of class!!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 9, 2018

OCALA, Florida – You read that headline right. This is why this writer suggested some time ago that Animal Legal Rights and Courts be established. . . .

Gov. Moonbeam changes President's Day to...+ more
Rev. Austin Miles
June 4, 2018

The one and only Governor Moonbeam of California has done it again. He now proposes changing "President's Day" get this....SOCIALIST DAY!! This bill . . .

Behind the pageantry of the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier
Rev. Austin Miles
May 31, 2018

The nation took this past weekend to remember all the young men and women in military service who died serving our country. I have conducted many Memorial Day . . .

Pastors to blame for America's downfall!!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 27, 2018

Back in the 40's church pastors had a certain mystique for those who knew who they were and observed them. Vandalism to any church was considered unthinkable.  . . .

Planned Parenthood "chaplain" is a Presbyterian minister? WHAT??
Rev. Austin Miles
May 16, 2018

This story is painful to write since this writer grew up in the Presbyterian Church, which was considered THE church to go to. It was known as the church where  . . .

Hillary's new book reviews
Rev. Austin Miles
May 7, 2018

Hillary has written a book about herself – naming names of those who thwarted her election to the Oval Office as President of The United States. Hillary . . .

High funeral costs can kill ya
Rev. Austin Miles
April 30, 2018

Bob and Geri Boyd are the knowledgeable and cordial hosts of the radio program,"Issues in Education," which is aired on stations nation wide. The Boyds' send me . . .

Fresno State Muslim prof now making terrorist threats
Rev. Austin Miles
April 23, 2018

That well-fed Muslim Fresno State "Professor," Randa Jarrar, who publicly cheered the death of much loved Barbara Bush, is now making public terrorist threats . . .

Do NOT pervert David Hogg's name!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 6, 2018

HERE YE HEAR YE! Do not slander the hogs and pigs, wherever they may be. You do that by using David Hogg's name in vain. Do not associate him with those . . .

Easter special: How Jesus might look back at the cross
Rev. Austin Miles
April 1, 2018

(Note to Readers: In the late 1990's a church prepared to produce an Easter Program, with several chosen to play the parts of those who had been with Jesus . . .

Florida school shooting account fake!!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 30, 2018

Let's cut to the chase. Do you actually believe the facts as given of that Florida school shooting? Has anyone actually taken the time to THINK of the glaring . . .

New portrait of Trump driving liberals mad(er)
Rev. Austin Miles
March 19, 2018

Frequent contributor to this column, Laurence Craig sent us this note and portrait which affected this writer deeply, and included this note: "I love this . . .

God--the astronaut--endless space--the moon
Rev. Austin Miles
March 11, 2018

In the beginning there was nothing. How about the endless space of which there is no beginning or end? Outer Space goes on and on...and on forever. If . . .

Who IS Obama?
Rev. Austin Miles
February 26, 2018

A recent article written by a Chicago union man was recently forwarded to me by a frequent contributor to this column, Lawrence Craig, which asks the . . .

Hollywood now demands moral conduct in film industry
Rev. Austin Miles
February 19, 2018

Strict Morality Code Making a Comeback For years, Hollywood deftly swept all the sexual exploits, (straight gay and inventive), under the red carpet. . . .

FDR's 'New Deal' Social Security Act just that
Rev. Austin Miles
February 15, 2018

Have you noticed that Social Security is now identified as an 'entitlement' like welfare, food stamps, housing, medical, and education? That is exactly how . . .

Dems cheer Republican train crash!!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 2, 2018

This is a piece nobody, including Democrats, thought would be written. Nobody, even democrats could be this low. It defies all ideas of humanity along with just . . .

Dems scowl during Trump's SOTU address.
Rev. Austin Miles
January 31, 2018

WASHINGTON,D.C.-1/30/18 There were more standing ovations at President Trumps' State of The Union address tonight than any I have seen over the years. He hit . . .

MilesTones--Growing old is a better option
Rev. Austin Miles
January 30, 2018

The problem with growing old is that just when you get your mind straightened out, your body falls apart. Growing old can be hectic but it's still the best . . .

Elected president rules country, NOT appointed judges
Rev. Austin Miles
January 28, 2018

A president is VOTED into office by the people, for the people and of the people. The job of a president is to make the decisions that affect Americans. His . . .

Born salesman with best fish story ever
Rev. Austin Miles
January 20, 2018

A young guy from Idaho moves to Florida and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job. The Manager says, "Do you have . . .

Trump aced medical and mental exams proving all Dems LIARS!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 17, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. 1/16/18 – Twenty Seven Psychiatrists, the Soros Fake News Media,"Author" Michael Wolff and the Democrat-Communist party were all PROVEN . . .

Wolff at the door - amateurish book on Trump tries but fails
Rev. Austin Miles
January 10, 2018

This dreadful new book, Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff, was not released – It escaped! The author bragged that this book would "bring down Trump!"  . . .

Letters--we get letters + MilesTones
Rev. Austin Miles
January 8, 2018

If you are thinking of becoming a journalist or author, be prepared to automatically receive many letters offering opinions and ideas. Each day this writer . . .

No Down syndrome babies born in Iceland--all aborted
Rev. Austin Miles
January 4, 2018

Before getting into the details of this shocking piece, let me begin with a personal proclamation: I actually pity those who have never known a person with Down . . .

Santa's surprising origins--A Christmas classic feature
Rev. Austin Miles
December 25, 2017

MYRA – (Note To Readers: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, . . .

ASTONISHING woman with a touch of Einstein genius
Rev. Austin Miles
December 22, 2017

Where are the Einstein's of today is a lament we hear often, or an Alexander Graham Bell or a Thomas Edison? No such individuals are visible least . . .

FRAUD!! Alabama election CALLED BEFORE precincts closed!!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 14, 2017

RECOUNT DEMANDED!! MONTGOMERY 12/12/17 – The Alabama Senate Election last night was RIGGED. George Soros had his Nazi boots on the ground manipulating . . .

ALABAMA'S historic moment to restore America
Rev. Austin Miles
December 11, 2017

MONTGOMERY 12/9/17 – Alabama, stand firm. You have no idea of your importance in history as this coming Tuesday's election proves to be the pivotal . . .

The power of persuasive doubt
Rev. Austin Miles
December 6, 2017

BIRMINGHAM 12/4/17 – Destroying reputations, families, and careers has become a spectator sport. As noses become longer by telling fibs about people, . . .

Proper punishment for false accusers
Rev. Austin Miles
November 29, 2017

Below is the solution for dealing with crimes committed by vicious tongues firing off words as weapons. The tongue can be so volatile, with the ability to . . .

Naked truth about Judge Roy Moore allegations! Must read
Rev. Austin Miles
November 19, 2017

 . . .

Dems responsible for Texas church murders
Rev. Austin Miles
November 13, 2017

SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas-11/10/17 – Communists and the Democratic Party are one and the same. We have Communists in virtually every area of the . . .

Deceptive headlines ARE the news
Rev. Austin Miles
October 28, 2017

It is not just the "main stream" stories that are fake, but the big ballyhoo to bring people in is the booming news headlines to draw in the "marks:  . . .

All the fake news that's fit to print, truth news that's not
Rev. Austin Miles
October 25, 2017

Here is a perfect example of slanted (fake) news for propaganda purposes THAT YOU ALL HAVE READ. Shortly before the Country Music Festival began in Las Vegas, . . .

Comedian (?) rock star booed off stage after Trump remarks + NFL
Rev. Austin Miles
October 22, 2017

So-called comedian George Lopez, who is about as funny as a broken crutch, was booed off stage at a benefit to assist a juvenile diabetes foundation in . . .

MilesTones – keeping us totally confused
Rev. Austin Miles
October 19, 2017

I'm confused. Are you confused? Are they confused? Are our media confused? Are our politicians confused? IF WE COULD JUST FIGURE OUT WHO'S CAUSING THE . . .

Shocking TRUTH about manipulation of America! MUST READ
Rev. Austin Miles
October 12, 2017

This should be considered required reading for ALL Americans. Have you ever heard about HAARP? It is time you learned. A story broke on NewsWithViews by N.Y. . . .

Hospital chaplain in-training and priest busted on day of his ordination for lewd conduct
Rev. Austin Miles
October 9, 2017

BOISE 10/6/17 – The chaplaincy is the most TOTALLY DEDICATED ministry there is. Chaplains put others first and go to them at their time and place of . . .

Bill O'Reilly falsely accused by scheming woman
Rev. Austin Miles
October 3, 2017

To hear all the claims of sexual harassment by women working at Fox News, it would appear that those foxy people are a passionate bunch indeed. The number . . .

Gov. Jerry Brown, LGBT & how he became Governor Moonbeam
Rev. Austin Miles
September 25, 2017

Jerry Brown won re-election in 1978 against Republican state Attorney General Evelle J. Younger. Brown appointed the first openly gay judge in the United . . .

Governor Moonbeam welcomes HIV blood donors + more
Rev. Austin Miles
September 21, 2017

SACRAMENTO 9/20/17 – California has long been known as "the land of fruit and nuts" which began with an agricultural description, later becoming a . . .

What? Highest profile government body filled with felons!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 16, 2017

Note to Readers: This story is not a newly uncovered revelation. It has made the rounds already but worth revisiting to give us wisdom for upcoming . . .

Actress sez Texas destruction due to voting for Trump
Rev. Austin Miles
September 10, 2017

LA LA LAND 9/9/17 – Yep, it's official. President Donald Trump caused the deadly hurricane that struck Houston. It is all his fault doncha know. Film . . .

Contagious plague of clinical stupidity has struck America + more
Rev. Austin Miles
September 7, 2017

SACRAMENTO 9/7/17 – Governor Moonbeam does it again proving that this plague is beyond restorative remedy. What is more, the disease is highly . . .

BREAKING! George Soros petition filed in D.C.!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 3, 2017

WASHINGTON 9/1/17 – FINALLY! A petition to stop George Soros has been crafted and put up on the White House website. It already has 67,952 signatures . . .

Robert E. Lee finally revealed + Marine colonel on NFL flag flap
Rev. Austin Miles
August 28, 2017

We all watched in disbelief as the streets of our cities became the staging area for uncontrolled spontaneous nervous breakdowns as mobs of misfits, all paid by . . .

Major monument to slavery still stands – Why? AHA!
Rev. Austin Miles
August 24, 2017

Have you not thought of this question – who was the originator of BLACK slavery? It had to start somewhere. It must be recognized that there has . . .

George Soros' secret war manual to nix Trump
Rev. Austin Miles
August 21, 2017

Erasing history is the goal of George Soros. A country that does not know its history has lost part of its soul, which weakens it. Censoring speech, banning . . .

Church rapist revealed – identified!
Rev. Austin Miles
August 11, 2017

A vicious rapist has kept the church of Jesus Christ in fear since 1954. Church leaders are afraid to speak out or to attempt to take any action. However, one . . .

Pope embraces abortion--Osteen caves to LGBT--Soros and Satan rejoice
Rev. Austin Miles
August 6, 2017

RONCO DI CASSATO, ITALY 8/5/17 – Pope Francis, our first Communist Pope not only winks at abortion, and sin in general, but gives an apostate the . . .

Overwhelming response to animal court idea
Rev. Austin Miles
August 2, 2017

The heavy response to my current story about the cat killer was instant. The story regarded a maniac who cruelly killed 18 cats for the sick "thrill" of . . .

Cruel cat killer gets 16 year sentence + Cecil's son killed
Rev. Austin Miles
July 30, 2017

At last, justice for animals. A mental case living in San Jose, Robert Farmer, was just sentenced to 16 years in jail for incredible cruelty to cats, . . .

"The Message" reveals truth about Eugene Peterson but not God
Rev. Austin Miles
July 22, 2017

When the new "modernized" version of the Bible titled, The Message written by.Eugene Peterson suddenly materialized in the bookstores with lots of press . . .

Evangelicals pray for Prez in W.H.--Dems O U T R A G E D !!!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 19, 2017

It was a spontaneous event with historical significance. According to Faith Leader Johnnie Moore, a group of ministers were in the White house for an all . . .

RINOS oozing from Soros' swamp NAMED – SHOCKING!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 7, 2017

The first promise President Donald Trump made when elected as POTUS was to 'drain the swamp' that encompasses Washington, D.C. That is the swamp where all . . .

Muslim bastards ENJOY torturing animals !!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 22, 2017

Today's disturbing news details how Muslims take pleasure in causing animals to suffer. This is extremely difficult to write as it produces rage and grief . . .

ONE WORD keeps Islam problem out of Japan
Rev. Austin Miles
June 15, 2017

LONDON 6/14/17 – The United States, England and France are hotbeds of Muslim mayhem which includes murder, rape, theft and destruction as well as mooching . . .

Was ISIS sent by God? Brace yourselves!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 5, 2017

The history of ancient Israel is ripe with greed, power seekers and idol worship, along with gross immorality. The situation in those days was accurately . . .

George Soros--the hairball clogging the swamp
Rev. Austin Miles
May 26, 2017

MOSCOW 5/25/17 – The accuracy of the above headline was not deliberately engineered or coined by this writer. The phrase came from Chaplain Liza Hart . . .

The solution: let Russia arrest George Soros!!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 22, 2017

President Donald Trump Take Note! The man who has caused the most evil in history, George Soros, who is determined to destroy you, Mr. President, (along . . .

George Soros surprise coming
Rev. Austin Miles
May 18, 2017

George Soros, the most evil man on earth, is the combustion propelling the anti-Trump attacks front paged each and every day, as well as on TV networks. And . . .

MilesTones: To pee or not to pee--THAT is the question
Rev. Austin Miles
May 10, 2017

The Shakespearean style headline fits this classic story of Dem-wit dumbness. A faithful reader, Wellnessdoc William Doell, who sends many overlooked articles . . .

Soros partners with CAIR to sabotage Sheriff Clarke
Rev. Austin Miles
May 8, 2017

MILWAUKEE 5/7/17-How did this columnist wind up on CAIR's mailing list? It was certainly not by request. Suddenly the Muslim's news service propaganda began . . .

Steps to prosecute George Soros for treason have begun!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 3, 2017

Action has now charged out the gate to take down the most evil man on earth, Communist Billionaire George Soros, a citizen of the U.S. (and Hungary) by . . .

REVEALED! Hundreds of George Soros owned organizations
Rev. Austin Miles
April 30, 2017

Self-professed Nazi war criminal George Soros continues to go free while radicalizing American politics and society, but not for long. The strategy to take him . . .

RACIST George Soros destroying blacks while using them
Rev. Austin Miles
April 26, 2017

George Soros is a racist who exploits blacks by paying them to do his dirty work while sabotaging any good black such as Sheriff David Clarke who wants to . . .

Suckers PAY to be manipulated-indoctrinated
Rev. Austin Miles
April 22, 2017

A current movie, Beauty and the Beast subtly introduces homosexual perversion by showing two leading males kissing, which gives new meaning to the . . .

Book exposes IRS 501c3 church scam
Rev. Austin Miles
April 17, 2017

The Communist-George Soros Democrats running the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have managed to bully churches into becoming partners with them by the creation . . .

Easter special: How Jesus might look back at the cross
Rev. Austin Miles
April 13, 2017

(Note to Readers: In the late 1990's a church prepared to produce an Easter Program, with several chosen to play the parts of those who had been with Jesus . . .

California declared sanctuary state! Muslims rejoice
Rev. Austin Miles
April 10, 2017

The creases of grief etched in his face could not be concealed. Normally cheerful, he ran a men's clothing shop in a mall in California. Expressing concern . . .

Chaplains + 20,000 Christian activists finally push back
Rev. Austin Miles
April 6, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC – 4/4/17 – SUCCESS! Because readers got out of their chairs and became visible by contacting representatives by phone, email and . . .

Govt. went off medications--obviously
Rev. Austin Miles
April 3, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. 4/1/17 – Yes it is April Fools' Day, the official holiday for atheists. This is verified by The Bible which states: "The Fool hath . . .

Criminal charges against Boston LGBTQ DEMANDED!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 26, 2017

BOSTON 3/25/17 – Extortion is a felony that must be punished. Extortion means demanding an act to be performed, such as paying a ransom under threat . . .

Country preacher nails it!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 22, 2017

MERIDIAN, ID 3/20-/17 – Yesterday, while in Idaho, this columnist visited the "10 Mile Church" in Meridian. A warm welcome greeted my family and, as . . .

FINALLY! The TRUTH about Sheriff Joe Arpaio!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 16, 2017

Sheriff Joe Arpaio believes in law and order, knowing that a lawful country is an orderly country, which should, by all logic – even limited logic  . . .

X-Rated Article: Trans-America's XX-XY &Title IX Crisis
Rev. Austin Miles
March 7, 2017

BOISE 3/6/17 – One cannot escape the transgender irruption spewing its lava everywhere even in the Hinder-lands, if Idaho can be considered such. It . . .

Trump's unifying address attacked
Rev. Austin Miles
March 2, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. 3/1/17 – Last Night, President Donald Trump gave the most unifying 'Address to Congress' ever to be heard. He put his arms around . . .

DeVos appointment a H U G E mistake!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 27, 2017

When Betsy DeVos' name came up as candidate for Secretary of Education, a howl of protests rose from both sides of the aisle. Being Trump, the President . . .

Why Evangelicals want refugees--hint: not altruism
Rev. Austin Miles
February 25, 2017

We live in an era of fake news which meddles with our minds. But worse, we also have fake preachers who meddle with our very souls. That is Satan's most . . .

Update on elephant who cried after rescue
Rev. Austin Miles
February 20, 2017

NEW DELHI, INDIA 2/18/17 – The story of Raju the Elephant who cried real tears of gratitude during his rescue after 50 years of cruel abuse has a happy . . .

Tortured elephant cried real tears when rescued
Rev. Austin Miles
February 15, 2017

Every day something new comes to my in-box that shows why God became so angry at the sins and cruelties of man that He flooded the entire earth to get rid . . .

Quiet woman's work astonishes observers
Rev. Austin Miles
February 13, 2017

BYRON, CA 2/6/17 – She is an ordinary looking woman who would not stand out in a crowd. She is unassuming, quiet and goes about her business without . . .

BREAKING: Hollywood Reporter VERIFIES that PETA Video A FAKE!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 8, 2017

HOLLWOOD 2/6/17 – PETA, a furry version of the Mafia Protection Racket, has been exposed in Today's Hollywood Reporter as absolutely FAKING a video . . .

Transgender Boy Scouts of America--SERIOUSLY? Yes as of Now!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 2, 2017

The revised Boy Scout motto today has transitioned to: 'On my honor I will do my best, to pervert myself and all the rest.' Like every youth . . .

Dog's Purpose movie thrives despite PETA's attacks--review
Rev. Austin Miles
January 30, 2017

BOISE, 1/28/17 – Do not – repeat, DO NOT MISS THE BEAUTIFUL MOVIE, A Dog's Purpose, no matter what the bogus animal protection group, PETA, . . .

D.C. rioters face stiff penalties--it's about time!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 26, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. 1/25/17 – The days of a gentle slap on the wrist accompanied by whispering, "Naughty Naughty," are over. There's a new sheriff in . . .

Bogus PETA case against "Dog's Purpose" movie
Rev. Austin Miles
January 23, 2017

The PETA organization has, out of the blue, attacked the upcoming movie, A Dog's Purpose, due to open this weekend. But because of their uproar and . . .

Former ringmaster's take on circus closure
Rev. Austin Miles
January 17, 2017

(Before becoming a minister, this columnist in younger years worked as a circus ringmaster for major shows throughout the U.S. and Canada, bringing extra . . .

The man with the air hose
Rev. Austin Miles
January 16, 2017

Walking down a carnival midway were two marks – carnival lingo meaning suckers-to-be. The two men approached a tented booth where they were hustled . . .

Obama-Meryl Streep speeches leave listeners speechless
Rev. Austin Miles
January 12, 2017

CHICAGO 1/11/16 – Last night Obama gave an eternal farewell (?) speech letting us all know how much he accomplished during his reign and indicated how . . .

Elderly Nazi flails columnist
Rev. Austin Miles
January 11, 2017

This columnist receives a thousand emails a day which makes it impossible to respond to every one. The majority are positive and supporting while many . . .

Trophy hunter killed in fall while stalking animals
Rev. Austin Miles
January 6, 2017

Radio Host, producer, TV personality and national columnist Jerry Newcombe alerted us to this news item that took place Saturday. The story he sent . . .

MilesTones: Dog thinks he is a female cat
Rev. Austin Miles
January 4, 2017

My neighbor has a dog named Bruno that thinks he is a cat....a FEMALE cat. The owners humored the dog and began to treat him as a female cat, even calling him,  . . .

Islam is NOT a religion!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 29, 2016

Let us be totally clear: Islam is not a religion qualifying for religious exemptions including Freedom of Religion. It is instead, a violent political . . .

Obama's budget abuses can fund all necessary services
Rev. Austin Miles
December 26, 2016

Working Americans are receiving less and less of their paychecks while being denied basic promised services that they have earned and paid into including Social . . .

Christmas Feature: Santa's Surprising Origins
Rev. Austin Miles
December 24, 2016

MYRA – (Editor's Note: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, . . .

Hillary's election night meltdown revealed
Rev. Austin Miles
December 22, 2016

(BREAKING UPDATE: Donald Trump Won the Electoral College Votes Monday. Only one Soros pressured Republican elector defected. The people have spoken.)  . . .

Obama's birth defect captured by Sheriff Joe!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 18, 2016

On Thursday, as announced, Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio held a press conference to settle, once and for all, the legitimacy of the birth . . .

Russia hacked election for Trump? + Obamacare finally explained!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 14, 2016

Let's get one thing straight. Vladimir Putin with the force of Russia had NOTHING to do with this past presidential election victory in the U.S. This latest . . .

NPR guest sez all Trump voters racist! What?
Rev. Austin Miles
December 8, 2016

Attica Locke is another successful black woman who is an author-novelist and writer for the Fox drama Empire, who complains about the put-down of blacks by . . .

Ape in high heels flap flips Libs
Rev. Austin Miles
November 29, 2016

CLAY, W. VIRGINIA 11/25/16 – Not much happens in this sleepy little town of W. Virginia. That is until recently. The entire quiet area encompasses 0.62 . . .

VP elect Pence ambushed by "Hamilton" cast from stage!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 21, 2016

NEW YORK 11/19/16 – There was a time that show business was an honorable profession with one goal in mind, to entertain and offer respite from the . . .

Game warden who helped Dr. Walter Palmer kill Cecil escapes charges
Rev. Austin Miles
November 18, 2016

Dr. Walter Palmer, the Minnesota dentist, is a snarky little nerd of a man who felt he would prove his 'manhood' by cruelly killing the beloved lion, Cecil, . . .

George Soros CAN be charged with treason and sedition!!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 14, 2016

This columnist spent most of last night researching the law to learn if George Soros could be charged with Sedition and Treason for the damage he is causing . . .

Predicted communist riots following Trump win has begun
Rev. Austin Miles
November 10, 2016

The day before the election, along with hundreds of pastors and lay Christians, I prayed fervently before dawn and continued on election day. Like Abraham, . . .

Bombshell! Law states Hillary ineligible to run!!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 7, 2016

STOP THE PRESSES! Hillary cannot legally even be a part of this election. According to U.S. Code Title 18,Section 2071, as placed in the Cornell Law . . .

B/4 election, California votes must be substantiated now!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 6, 2016

COUNT DOWN! With only a couple of days to go before the election, it is incumbent upon ALL voters, especially those in California, to demand that the State . . .

Breaking: Cal-gov OKs voting rights for illegals!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 2, 2016

SACRAMENTO 11/1/16 – California Governor Jerry Brown is better known in the Golden State as Governor Moonbeam, and for good reason. First of all, . . .

Hillary rewards voters--don't miss this
Rev. Austin Miles
October 30, 2016

MONTGOMERY-10/19/16 – Let's be blunt while putting this election in perspective. When you vote for Hillary, your vote actually pulls the switch to . . .

Actual poll stats disprove Hillary's "winning" claim
Rev. Austin Miles
October 26, 2016

WARNING: A mass conspiracy is erupting from the Basket of Deplorables--at least Hillary thinks so. When Presidential Candidate Donald Trump questioned a . . .

Donald Trump's secret life FINALLY exposed!
Rev. Austin Miles
October 24, 2016

While watching Hillary at this last debate with that smirking smile glued to her face while laughing whenever Donald Trump answered a question, this Scripture . . .

Amy Schumer's vulgar Trump digs at gig outrages audience
Rev. Austin Miles
October 20, 2016

TAMPA 10/18/16 – Amy Schumer, whose display of "talent" in films and in stand-up comedy, is modest to say the least. It is doubtful that she would . . .

A mighty profound ID about photo IDs
Rev. Austin Miles
October 18, 2016

One needs a photo ID for about anything these days, even to simply walk into a Federal building. Meanwhile the leftists have charged that requiring a photo . . .

$1.5 billion of our taxes to make Obama sound legit
Rev. Austin Miles
October 11, 2016

ST. LOUIS-10/10/16--It is said that "words are cheap." Not those uttered by Obama to tickle the ears of the uniformed who are being persuaded and groomed to . . .

Donald Trump for President? Reallly?
Rev. Austin Miles
October 9, 2016

If one is in a health crisis and knows of a doctor who is a specialist and can successfully implement the procedures necessary to save your life, would you . . .

Personal note to my faithful readers
Rev. Austin Miles
October 2, 2016

ANTIOCH 10/1/16 – Early this evening, another spectacular California sunset threw it's arms around the state. From my backyard patio, shielded from the . . .

Chaplains certified for duty in colorful ceremony
Rev. Austin Miles
September 28, 2016

BRENTWOOD, Northern California 9/25/16 – In a colorful ceremony complete with pageantry, 21 Chaplains were certified for duty in the East Bay area area of . . .

Elephant tusks now PROTECTED--Manhattan shop busted
Rev. Austin Miles
September 25, 2016

NEW YORK CITY-The new law making it illegal to import and export ivory and to sell any art products using ivory, was effectively demonstrated this past . . .

Chaplains ordered to not talk to homeless vets!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 19, 2016

SAN DIEGO 9/18/16 – In 1960, the Veterans' Administration organized a project called, "Stand Downs," where homeless veterans would be bused in to an . . .

SCAM ALERT--hijacking computer content and files for ransom
Rev. Austin Miles
September 16, 2016

SACRAMENTO 9/15/16-We had heard about this scam sometime ago but now it has come personally to this writer. In the process of opening a very important email . . .

MilesTones: Coming from the basket of deplorables
Rev. Austin Miles
September 14, 2016

An obvious episode resulted in the creation of Hillary's Basket of Deplorables, a new destination for those who do not support her. Yep, I'm here too. That . . .

Muslims demand removal of 9/11 memorial plaque (!)
Rev. Austin Miles
September 10, 2016

OWEGO, New York 9/7/16 – The Children of Abraham of the Southern Tier, an Islamic group, has taken offense at this little upstate New York town's new . . .

Muslim convert Kaepernick sits to stand for cause (?)
Rev. Austin Miles
August 31, 2016

There have been sit-down protests meaning sit-ins at organization offices, universities, blocking highways and freeways by sitting across them stopping . . .

Six week old baby murdered by her father
Rev. Austin Miles
August 29, 2016

SAN JOSE – 8/26/16 – Matthew Zabala always had a short fuse, one that put him in prison 6 years ago for physically abusing his 4 year old child. . . .

MilesTones: Yes you're the man--OOPS--a forbidden word !
Rev. Austin Miles
August 24, 2016

PRINCETON, NJ- 8/22/16 – This entire story can only be passed on by MilesTones to process since the whole "thought" process behind it is so ridiculous . . .

V.P. Joe Biden performs same sex "marriage" ceremony + MORE
Rev. Austin Miles
August 22, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. 8/19/16 – Just when one thinks that the immoral Obama Administration cannot get any worse, it does. Obama is our first "gay . . .

Displaying Bible verse now a federal crime--WHAT?
Rev. Austin Miles
August 19, 2016

Christian complacency has led to this latest offense against God which is now backed by Obama's robot administration and enforced by the anti God U.S. . . .

Do refugees enrich cultures of the world?
Rev. Austin Miles
August 12, 2016

A major problem in countries throughout the world is the flood of Immigrants and refugees demanding to enter any country they wish and be afforded all . . .

DNC jihad against Trump led by Muslim
Rev. Austin Miles
August 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton hired a Muslim with connections to The Muslim Brotherhood, to speak at the DNC Convention. He was brought there for an ingenious plot to . . .

LGBT courses now REQUIRED in California public schools!
Rev. Austin Miles
August 4, 2016

BYRON ,California 8/2/16 – If the name of this town rings a bell, think back to the year 2001 when almost immediately after the savage 9/11 Islamic . . .

MilesTones--write brain super dooper bloopers
Rev. Austin Miles
July 29, 2016

It is always good to start each day with a laugh. Indeed, I would never leave home without it. My first laugh of the day is found in the local morning . . .

Tim LaHaye's death--sadness on earth--JOY in heaven
Rev. Austin Miles
July 26, 2016

SAN DIEGO 7/25/16 – This morning, best selling author and devoted minister Tim LaHaye discarded his earthly vessel and moved on to a place of joy . . .

Voter ID "controversy" EXPLAINED!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 24, 2016

No sooner did Donald Trump accept his nomination as the GOP Candidate for President, when the Obama-Hillary cartel began the planning stage of sabotaging . . .

Following jihadist attack on Riviera, Obama extends welcome to Muslims--WHAT?
Rev. Austin Miles
July 19, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. 7/16/16 – The dead still had not been identified, nor those hospitalized on life support, following the savage attack in Nice, when Obama . . .

Obama allows ISIS training camps in U.S.!!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 14, 2016

The fraud in the White House not only allows ISIS training camps on U.S. soil but he ENCOURAGES it. This is why he brings Muslims, by the millions, into the . . .

Vladimir Putin's abrupt about face on religious freedom
Rev. Austin Miles
July 6, 2016

This story came as such a shock that before touching it, all news sources were thoroughly checked, including those overseas to verify its authenticity. This . . .

Obama's connection to Turkey airport murders
Rev. Austin Miles
July 1, 2016

ISTANBUL 6/30/16 – There were more than the 3 Muslims involved in the Turkey Airport massacre as first reported after the carnage. Now it has been . . .

California bill to ax Christian based education
Rev. Austin Miles
June 25, 2016

SACRAMENTO 6/24/16 – We knew this would be coming. California leaders proudly boast, "What happens out here is followed by the entire country. We set . . .

Homeless vets solution – plus much more
Rev. Austin Miles
June 21, 2016

WASHINGTON 6/20/16 – There is plenty of federally funded money to get all homeless veterans off the streets at this very moment. Here is only one area . . .

Epidemic snatching of dogs - Why? Shocking!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 11, 2016

SAN LEANDRO Ca – 6/10/16 – Yesterday a young boy was walking his beloved pup in the Washington Manor neighborhood of San Leandro. His new pup . . .

From Christian school to public school to LGBTQ
Rev. Austin Miles
June 7, 2016

ANTIOCH 6/5/16 – When Trevor Dunning first entered the Trinity Christian School speech class, he was personally greeted, as each student was, and a . . .

Heart to heart talk with transgender
Rev. Austin Miles
June 3, 2016

ANTIOCH 5/31/16 – The mysterious message was delivered to my post office box. It had no return address or anything identifying the sender on the plain . . .

Obama queering America--appoints LGBTs to govt. posts
Rev. Austin Miles
May 28, 2016

WASHINGTON 5/26/16 – The Jews of ancient times walked with God and upheld his instructions. If any member of a camp sinned, they immediately were brought . . .

Obama--present day Emperor Norton
Rev. Austin Miles
May 21, 2016

SAN FRANCISCO-5-20-16 – The City-by- the-Bay hosts numerous curiosities, consistently exhibiting behaviors beyond the norm. But the most intriguing of . . .

Obamacare death panels now a REALITY!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 17, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. 5/15/16 – When Sarah Palin first spoke out against Obamacare, stating that it would result in death panels, the communist liberals . . .

Obama designates national monument for sodomites!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 13, 2016

NEW YORK CITY 5/12/16 – The Stonewall Inn was a curiosity in New York City. People knew quirky things went on there but the proclivities were not . . .

Voyeur just found in women's room in Target--WE TOLD YA!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 8, 2016

FRISCO, TX 5/7/16 – A man does NOT have the RIGHT to enter or use a toilet, changing room or shower for women. Nobody has a "RIGHT" to do something or . . .

Loyola Marymount University's shocking partnership with transgenders!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 29, 2016

LOS ANGELES 4/29/16 – A new hate crime has been created, by a Catholic University. It is called, "Denying Transgenderism." You read that right. A . . .

Transgender installed as D.C. church pastor!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 26, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC 4/25/16 – Each day every newspaper will have one or two feature stories about transgender accomplishments. This is the new-age rage in . . .

Rushing to Viagra - SLOW DOWN!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 24, 2016

COLUMBIA, SC 4/21/16 – Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the.....WHOA! That song is not in sync. Carolina is NOT that 'fine,' . . .

BREAKING! Rev. Austin Miles NOT seeking sex-change surgery!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 20, 2016

MilesTones: Many, including this writer, literally fell out of their chairs this morning when the news headline broke and appeared on in-boxes throughout . . .

Sex-change surgery HALTED at Johns Hopkins Hospital!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 18, 2016

BALTIMORE 4/17/16 – According to Public Advocate Eugene Delgaudio, a lawyer whose specialty is family issues, a new American College of Pediatricians . . .

Bruce Springsteen's shocking but stupid betrayal of fans!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 11, 2016

GREENSBORO, NC 4/9/16 – Yesterday, Friday, rocker Bruce Springsteen suddenly cancelled his scheduled performance at the Greensboro Coliseum which was . . .

Discrimination charges for WHAT???
Rev. Austin Miles
April 7, 2016

CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA – 4/7/16 – Insanity is contagious. MilesTones is the first to confirm this phenomenon. It is not only contagious but can . . .

Satanic books now OK for public schools
Rev. Austin Miles
April 4, 2016

DENVER 4/3/16 – the public schools have eliminated all references to God and even Christian Clubs are not welcome on public school property. Nor is . . .

Sodomite scoutmasters' story draws ire !
Rev. Austin Miles
March 28, 2016

My recent story, Boy Scouts of America Not Liable in Sodomite Leaders' Rapes, was no sooner published than this angry email was fired off. The writer, Eric . . .

Easter special: How Jesus might look back at the cross
Rev. Austin Miles
March 27, 2016

(Note to Readers: In the late 1990's a church prepared to produce an Easter Program, with several chosen to play the parts of those who had been with Jesus . . .

Boy Scouts of America not liable for sodomite leaders' rapes!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 25, 2016

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – 3/24/16 – Thousands of cub scouts and boy scouts have been and continue to be violently sodomized by "gay" scout masters . . .

Radical interpretation of Islam? Not so
Rev. Austin Miles
March 23, 2016

BRUSSELS 3/22/16 – The brutal sneak bombing this morning in Brussels which killed dozens of innocent people has been dismissed by Muslims living in . . .

Political war not waged against Trump--who then? SURPRISE!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 22, 2016

DISCLAIMER: This piece does not signify endorsement of Trump or any other political candidate by this writer. It is an analytical report on the state of a . . .

Frank Sinatra Jr. dies during tour
Rev. Austin Miles
March 19, 2016

DAYTONA 3/17/16 – Frank Sinatra Jr. died yesterday of a heart attack at the age of 72 in Daytona, Florida. He had been touring the U.S. He never tried to . . .

Right to die vs. right to live
Rev. Austin Miles
March 17, 2016

SACRAMENTO 3/16/16 – The California State Legislature recently passed the right-to-die bill. Governor Jerry Brown signed it into law which becomes . . .

Trump's rampant rumbles STAGED!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 15, 2016

Has anyone had their curiosity sufficiently stimulated to examine why these knock-down-drag-out riots are taking place (now regularly), at Presidential . . .

Nancy Reagan funeral a touch of class and God
Rev. Austin Miles
March 14, 2016

SIMI VALLEY 3/11/16 – Early today, I watched Nancy Reagan's funeral which was truly a class act. The thousand invited guests included prominent past . . .

Amazing deep friendship with a penguin. Really?
Rev. Austin Miles
March 12, 2016

If I had one last thought to leave for the world before cashing in, it would be this: Look for the humanity in every creature....yes....EVERY creature. It . . .

Nit pick Mitt seeks to BumpTrump
Rev. Austin Miles
March 5, 2016

DETROIT, Michigan 3/3/16 – The Republican presidential debate, the ultimate reality show that was aired over Fox tonight, was crashed earlier today by . . .

Lady Gaga's riveting Oscar song POWERFUL!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 2, 2016

The 88th Annual Oscar's self congratulatory grandiloquence ceremony carried on as usual with the actors using it as a platform to push political issues . . .

Bastard Muslim's cruelty to dogs!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 29, 2016

READER ADVISORY: This column contains disturbing information regarding disturbed people who kill and torture for pleasure. This story is told as it is totally . . .

Voting Cruz legitimizes Obama
Rev. Austin Miles
February 26, 2016

Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz would be a far better president than Obama, indeed, ANYONE would be an improvement. However, Cruz has an eligibility problem. . . .

Blunt Trump thump ricochet's off pope's target
Rev. Austin Miles
February 20, 2016

Charleston, South Carolina 2/19/16 – Pope Francis has stated that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is not a Christian. Based on what? The fact that Trump . . .

Scalia murdered? Some think so
Rev. Austin Miles
February 17, 2016

Whenever someone questions something that doesn't seem right on the national scene, and democrats immediately call those who question, "Conspiracy Nuts," it . . .

Secret medical experiments on GI's by U.S. govt VERIFIED!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 14, 2016

ST. LOUIS 2/11/16 – The truth is finally out despite herculean efforts to conceal it from the public. Many young servicemen suddenly began to die in . . .

Older dog dumped at shelter for younger one
Rev. Austin Miles
February 5, 2016

Cookie is a beautiful 15 year old Cocker Spaniel who had been a faithful loving companion. Then her "family" yanked her up, put her in a car and dumped her . . .

Does my vote make a difference? Startling!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 1, 2016

When one casts a vote it is not for an individual with (manufactured) promises. You are actually giving your consent to a massive machine to run our country . . .

El Chapo assault rifle provided by OBAMA!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 27, 2016

When major drug Kingpin Joaquin Guzman Loera, better known as El Chapo, was captured, there was a startling discovery. A .50 Caliber Rifle, capable of . . .

Oscar's black flak twist
Rev. Austin Miles
January 22, 2016

HOLLYWOOD, California 1/21/16 – Who would expect that film actors (or anybody else) would get flak for being nominated for a high level award simply . . .

Is Joel Osteen a heretic?
Rev. Austin Miles
January 12, 2016

The headline question is answered by Dr. Michael L. Brown who seems to have been appointed as the spiritual authority for Joel and Victoria Osteen. . . .

Animals' heaven on earth
Rev. Austin Miles
January 6, 2016

KANAB, Utah 1/5/16. As children, we learned that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow even though that awaiting wealth could not be confirmed by . . .

Dolly Parton TV film's astonishing reception/reaction
Rev. Austin Miles
December 30, 2015

At a time when manipulated misfits are being coached to blame their failures on "White Privilege," Dolly Parton's biographical movie, Coat of Many Colors, . . .

Santa's surprising origins
Rev. Austin Miles
December 23, 2015

(Editor's Note: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, becoming a . . .

Obama bans school shooting motive book
Rev. Austin Miles
December 12, 2015

Has anyone except me entertained suspicion whenever a mass shooting takes place? Especially when it comes to schools? Apparently another man has doubted the . . .

Democrats surrender our country to Muslims! UNBELIEVABLE!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 8, 2015

BREAKING! 12/6/15 – Following the horrific Muslim shooting of County Health Offices staff in San Bernardino, Democrats made immediate plans to join . . .

Obama's AG assures Muslim protection--DAY AFTER MASSACRE!!!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 6, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. 12/4/15 – Obama's lap dog Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, demonstrated how idiotic and traitorous the entire Obama Administration . . .

Why truth hidden of Muslim attacks in San Bernardino
Rev. Austin Miles
December 4, 2015

SAN BERNARDINO, Ca 12/3/15 – has anyone noticed what follows every time there is an obviously Muslim mass shooting? The Obama Administration first . . .

9/11 Muslim cheering false? + Dilbert creator's shocking statements!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 30, 2015

DANVILLE, CA 11/29/15 – First let's get this straight once and for all. There absolutely WERE Muslims dancing on a rooftop in New Jersey when the New York . . .

Rugged truth--why Satanists now bolder--EYE OPENER!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 25, 2015

Most Bible believers are somewhat familiar with this verse, even though not seeing the depth it reveals. Ephesians 6:12 states: "For we wrestle not against . . .

Next ISIS target? US!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 16, 2015

"God, we know that you are all powerful, yet we worry." Included in a prayer given this morning by Fil Falciglia, the worship leader of Antioch Covenant . . .

Pass the bacon? SERIOUSLY?
Rev. Austin Miles
November 15, 2015

It would have been difficult not to see the current reports documenting the danger--yes DANGER – of eating bacon. This information, furnished by the . . .

BREAKING! Obama on cover of gay magazine!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 13, 2015

NEW YORK CITY 11/11/15 – In the just published gay magazine, OUT, the face of Barack Hussein Obama dominates the cover that will be seen on newsstands . . .

Elephant poaching overlord NABBED!!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 11, 2015

GARAMBA-NORTHEASTERN CONGO 11/9/15 – Ivory trade is so lucrative that gangs have been formed for the killing of thousands of elephants. The don of . . .

ISIS murdering elephants to finance terrorists !!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 5, 2015

ZIMBABWE 11/3/15 – National Geographic has reported that terrorist organizations are poaching elephants for their ivory to finance their 'war with the . . .

Will politicians kill or assist elephant in the room?
Rev. Austin Miles
October 24, 2015

SAN FRANCISCO 10/22/15 – Just last week, Zimbabwe, an African territory that earns millions of dollars selling permits to wealthy trophy hunters, was . . .

Obama pays U.S. welfare to Cubans living in CUBA!
Rev. Austin Miles
October 20, 2015

FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla – (10/19/15) – Moment of Silence for vigorous shaking of heads. This was just reported by the Sun Sentinel and put on the wire . . .

New front line chaplains certified for duty
Rev. Austin Miles
October 17, 2015

ANTIOCH, Ca 10/11/15 – The title, Chaplain, immediately stirs up one image – a military service spiritual leader. While that is true, the office . . .

BREAKING! Zimbabwe nixes Dr. Palmer charges-WHAT??
Rev. Austin Miles
October 15, 2015

WESTERN ZIMABWE 10/12/15 – Outrageous is the only word to describe this action by the Zimbabwe Government. As is well known world-wide, Dr. Walter . . .

BREAKING! U.N. dictates global sodomite acceptance
Rev. Austin Miles
October 10, 2015

NEW YORK CITY 10/9/15 – When news of the formation of a so-called United Nations sifted out, many were skeptical of its stated purpose of bringing all . . .

None dare call Oregon shooter Muslim
Rev. Austin Miles
October 6, 2015

ROSEBURG, Ore (10/4/15) – Valuable time was squandered waiting for evidence of truthful reporting on the Umpqua Community College (UCC) Oregon shooting . . .

Pope underplays baby slaughter--Feinstein denies it exists
Rev. Austin Miles
October 3, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This is not an attack upon Pope Francis. There are many things that can be admired about him. However, a huge contradiction in his . . .

Child's rush to pope STAGED! & more...
Rev. Austin Miles
September 28, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. (9/24/15) – Is anything real anymore? Apparently not. We learn that the sudden opening of borders was staged, and that protests like . . .

Obama set to insult Pope - Trump flak - Iran treaty - MORE
Rev. Austin Miles
September 21, 2015

SACRAMENTO, Ca. 9/20/15 – When we first learned of this, we doubted its authenticity. Even Obama could not be THAT corrupt and lustful with such total . . .

LGBT invades--people hide
Rev. Austin Miles
September 8, 2015

It is always rewarding to leave my spread outside New York to traverse west to the Antioch Covenant Church, where, without fail, Pastor Ron Bowman offers a . . .

Mike Huckabee confronts Ky. clerk's jailers
Rev. Austin Miles
September 6, 2015

ASHLAND, Kentucky (9/4/15)-Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee is the ONLY politician to put everything on hold to assist a Kentucky County Clerk who has been . . .

FEATURE: Why Obama pushes LGBT agenda
Rev. Austin Miles
September 4, 2015

DANVILLE, California (9/3/15) – The Obama Administration quickly cleared the way for an Iranian "gay" to be granted asylum in the U.S. This newest arrival . . .

Obama and Putin reverse gears
Rev. Austin Miles
September 2, 2015

While Obama is covering up all symbols of Christianity in America, Vladimir Putin has erected a giant statue of Jesus in Russia. Obama, who was born and . . .

The prisoner
Rev. Austin Miles
August 20, 2015

MARTINEZ, Ca (9/18/15) – The inmate was shivering in his cell, not because it was cold, the cell block was actually overheated. The prisoner paced . . .

Is Cecil more important than babies in womb??
Rev. Austin Miles
August 12, 2015

The merciless killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe by Minnesota dentist Dr. Walter Palmer has prompted worldwide outrage, and rightfully so. However, the . . .

Does she or doesn't she work at university?
Rev. Austin Miles
August 8, 2015

A puzzling email came in response to my story yesterday titled, "Idaho State University's Disturbing Secret." It profiles the woman who calls herself, "The . . .

Idaho State University's disturbing secret
Rev. Austin Miles
August 6, 2015

BOISE, ID (8/4/15) – Idaho is a conservative state with friendly people. There are virtually no bad neighborhoods there, as real estate agents proclaim to . . .

Remember Cecil and Dr. Walter Palmer
Rev. Austin Miles
August 1, 2015

EDEN PRAIRIE, MN (7/30/15) – Never forget the name, Dr. Walter Palmer. God certainly will not forget the person who answers to that name, remembering the . . .

Salinas rodeo and animal cruelty
Rev. Austin Miles
July 29, 2015

SALINAS, CA (7/27/14) – The Salinas Valley is known as The Lettuce Bowl, the former home of author John Steinbeck, a setting for the movie, East of . . .

CT's nasty habit of attacking ministers
Rev. Austin Miles
July 20, 2015

Over the years, Christianity Today has made it a habit to attack substantial ministers of the Gospel. We've seen many dedicated ministers be suddenly . . .

Re-baptisms for transgenders' new identity
Rev. Austin Miles
July 17, 2015

LOS ANGELES (7/16/15) – I almost choked on my coffee this morning when we received the news from London that The Church of England has added a  . . .

Bible lawsuit story followup
Rev. Austin Miles
July 13, 2015

The lawsuit filed against the Bible, just detailed in a national story, did happen. However, every newswriter including this one was misled as to WHEN that . . .

BREAKING! We told you! First lawsuit to make Bible illegal !!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 11, 2015

GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN (7/10/15) – When the Gays accomplished their Supreme Court Ruling and ran out dancing in the streets and planting their rainbow . . .

Canadian gay rights mess coming to U.S.!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 10, 2015

Wait, it is already here. We had been told that all that the gays wanted were the rights to "get married' like everybody else and be treated equally (with . . .

Obama bends over backwards for gays
Rev. Austin Miles
July 8, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. (7/7/15) – That headline might need to be reworked. Even so, it was something overheard in the Nation's Capitol. However, sitting in the . . .

Pope's STUNNING new encyclical
Rev. Austin Miles
July 5, 2015

VATICAN CITY (7/3/15) – Pope Francis just released his new encyclical (the Church's most authoritative teaching document), and feels that this one is . . .

Gay celebrant: This is just the BEGINNING!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 1, 2015

Like a conquering army thundering through the cities and towns of the former United States, the invaders planted their rainbow flags on municipal buildings, . . .

Prophecy expert-broadcaster Noah Hutchings dead at 92
Rev. Austin Miles
June 29, 2015

December 11, 1922 – June 17, 2015 Rev. Noah Hutchings' familiar voice was a staple at Southwest Radio Ministries out of Oklahoma with a down home voice . . .

Chief Justice John Roberts trader traitor
Rev. Austin Miles
June 26, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. (6/26/15) – What did Chief Justice of The Supreme Court, John Roberts, TRADE to make the totally anti-American, anti God rulings that . . .

Romans 13--All leaders ordained of God??
Rev. Austin Miles
June 24, 2015

Recently I asked a good friend, a solid Christian, if this chapter means that all leaders are put in leadership by God and that we should submit to them.  . . .

Church massacre satanic attack--not racial!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 21, 2015

This past Wednesday June 17th, a 21 year old man, Dylann Storm Roof, consumed with racial hatred in his heart, went to the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal . . .

Secret of Warriors' win revealed
Rev. Austin Miles
June 20, 2015

OAKLAND, California (6/19-15) – On this date, it can truly be said: "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm  . . .

MilesTones-Trans Gender-TransRacial-TransOBAMA??
Rev. Austin Miles
June 18, 2015

It has been a crazy week. A male athlete, with his toolbox still in place, insists he is now and has always been a woman. A white woman suddenly announced she . . .

Obama's war on bloggers explained
Rev. Austin Miles
June 15, 2015

Obama has declared open war on the internet with his scud missiles especially aimed at bloggers. As many know, he has tried to shut down my site twice. He is . . .

Babies being aborted feel intense pain!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 11, 2015

Under Obama's leadership, America has declared all out war against babies by mass abortions. And the procedure is a chamber of horrors for these little . . .

Open letter to Obama
Rev. Austin Miles
May 25, 2015

Tonight there was a White House Memorial Day presentation that aired before the National Memorial Day Concert at the Capitol in D.C. Obama was the host of . . .

Stop the presses--kill the story!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 23, 2015

There is a wise saying: "If something seems too good to be true, it probably IS." – TEN SECOND PAUSE TO CONSIDER THIS – Again if something  . . .

Girl Scouts of America encourage boys to wear dresses and join them!
Rev. Austin Miles
May 17, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. (5/14/15) Under Obama's direction, America is beginning to look like a freak show. Watch videos of any "Gay Pride LGBT Parade" and you will . . .

Cockpit violence in the Alps and America
Rev. Austin Miles
May 12, 2015

Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz was a sexually confused mental case who had been under a psychiatrist's care for depression and suicidal thoughts. Yet a . . .

Pope's double-speak declarations mirror Obama's
Rev. Austin Miles
May 8, 2015

VATICAN CITY (5/7/15) – Much hope and anticipation arose when Pope Francis was crowned. He exhibited more humility than most any pope in history, . . .

MilesTones: Rent-a-Chicken biz takes flight
Rev. Austin Miles
May 6, 2015

MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. (5/3/15) – Considering all the bad news on the front pages, this report will not only lighten up the day but demonstrate how one can . . .

Presbyterian pastor said Planned Parenthood is WHAT??
Rev. Austin Miles
April 27, 2015

BOISE, Idaho (4/26/15) – Having been raised Presbyterian, it has been shocking, to say the least, to see the reports coming forth regarding the former . . .

New Great Awakening needed NOW!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 22, 2015

This is not about church revival even though that could be examined, considering the effect it produced. The urgent necessity of a New Great Awakening is . . .

Inmates get sex-change surgery while homeless vets suffer!
Rev. Austin Miles
April 15, 2015

SACRAMENTO, CA. 4/13/15) – Obama displays agile dexterity in enabling our tax money to trickle through his fingers like a mountain stream, not to . . .

Latest Obama warm yarn
Rev. Austin Miles
April 11, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC (4/9/15) The Global Warming threat, if not stopped, will cause serious health problems. Thus the latest Obama flatulence (which might in . . .

Global warming scheme for world tax
Rev. Austin Miles
April 8, 2015

CONCORD, CA (4/6/15 – The Global Warming hoax is being vigorously pushed insistently for a reason. Those who question the authenticity of this skewed . . .

Easter feature--How Jesus might look back at the cross
Rev. Austin Miles
April 4, 2015

Note to Readers: When this story was first written in the late 1990s, it immediately hit a responsive chord, was published world-wide, and has been an . . .

Book nails why Obama refuses to name enemy
Rev. Austin Miles
April 2, 2015

To be at war dictates the necessity of knowing the name of your enemy. Obama simply calls our deadly Islamic enemies,extremists. He never refers to them as . . .

Islamic sites praise co-pilot who crashed airplane
Rev. Austin Miles
April 1, 2015

DUSSELDORF,Germany (3/31/15)--I have waited for an entire week before responding to the deliberate German plane crash in the French Alps by co-pilot . . .

Corrupt district attorneys must be fined, jailed and sued
Rev. Austin Miles
March 31, 2015

MARTINEZ, CA (3/30/15 – Charges and lawsuits must be filed against corrupt district attorneys who purposely engineer false convictions of innocent people . . .

FINALLY! Prosecutor jailed for false conviction
Rev. Austin Miles
March 25, 2015

GEORGETOWN, TEXAS (3/24/15) – According to a breaking story in the Huffington Post, former D.A. and Judge Ken Anderson pled guilty to intentionally . . .

A man called Glesty--an unlikely suspect
Rev. Austin Miles
March 23, 2015

SAN DIEG0, CA (3/21/15) Glesty Waters, an auto mechanic, could be called a good ole boy. He is a home-spun man who loves his family, our country, and God. He is . . .

Belief in Satan a psychiatric disorder?
Rev. Austin Miles
March 18, 2015

BRENTWOOD, CA (3/17/15) – ”The question above is a carefully planned device to direct people into disbelieving a real and present danger. We are . . .

BREAKING! First ever 3-male "marriage" ceremony!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 14, 2015

LONDON, ENGLAND (3/12/15) – There was no lack of it being foretold. We could all see it coming when the homosexual lobby pushed to redefine marriage, . . .

Obama declares war on chaplains--not ISIS
Rev. Austin Miles
March 11, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. (3/11/15) – A newsletter had just been sent to Northern California Chaplains who had trained under me, extolling the accomplishments . . .

New-Age cure-all fear lecture on PBS
Rev. Austin Miles
March 10, 2015

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (3/9/15) – The government broadcasting network, PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), presents some great documentaries, lectures and of . . .

Obama's intention--no further elections!
Rev. Austin Miles
March 5, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. (3/3/15) – All America should feel profound disgust with the way Obama snubbed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his . . .

Dumbest judge decision yet
Rev. Austin Miles
February 22, 2015

RICHLAND, WA (2/21/15) – Thank God we have some real judges like Judge Roy Moore scattered about who uphold the constitution and religious freedom . . .

Obama's solution--send social workers to ISIS
Rev. Austin Miles
February 19, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. (2/18/15) – At last Obama has come to an intelligent conclusion about dealing with ISIS (his kinfolk) that makes sense. Forget about . . .

Obama's fingerprints on beheading knives
Rev. Austin Miles
February 17, 2015

CAIRO 2/15/15) – While Obama plays golf and apologizes for America, the Muslims committed yet another atrocity aimed specifically at Christians.  . . .

ObamaAlert! True history of the Crusades
Rev. Austin Miles
February 12, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. (2/12/15) As expected, Obama used the National Prayer Breakfast to exhibit his contempt for Christianity. At least he is dependable. There are . . .

Shocking reason Obama skipped Paris anti-terrorism stand
Rev. Austin Miles
February 9, 2015

Following a vicious attack of a cartoonist' office and a Jewish market in Paris, which killed and wounded innocent unarmed civilians, the top world leaders . . .

IS the news media REALLY biased?
Rev. Austin Miles
February 7, 2015

That question in the headline is so stupid that it would be like asking if The Pope is Catholic. This past Wednesday we got an understanding of the . . .

BREAKING! Obama's kin slaughter children and babies!
Rev. Austin Miles
February 4, 2015

WARNING! PHOTOS IN STORY BELOW DISTURBING! NORTHERN IRAQ (2/3/15) – Obama's kin are, at this moment, beheading Christian children systematically after . . .

Obama throws israel under the bus
Rev. Austin Miles
February 1, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. 1/31/15 – Obama is the most anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-morality, anti Constitutional "president" in the history of The United States. . . .

D.A. refuses to toss fabricated case against minister
Rev. Austin Miles
January 28, 2015

MARTINEZ, CA (1/27/15) – An intriguing case in 1994 was and still is closely watched. A minister was charged with "assaulting a police officer with a fax . . .

BREAKING! Joe Franklin father of TV talk shows dead at 88
Rev. Austin Miles
January 26, 2015

NEW YORK CITY (1/25/15) – When Joe Franklin passed away yesterday (1/24/15) it truly marked the end of an era. His was a familiar face on TV and a . . .

Winning Academy Award NOT an entitlement!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 21, 2015

WALNUT CREEK, CA (1/19/15) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a REAL 'reverend,' was a sincere man with a sincere mission. His sacrifices and efforts resulted in the . . .

Protesters' communist sponsorship PROVED!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 16, 2015

World Communist leaders have taken seriously and manipulated an old saying of absolute truth: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."** In their . . .

Freedom of speech throats need tonsillectomy
Rev. Austin Miles
January 14, 2015

When can the brakes be applied to Freedom of Speech when that speech pushes people to cause destruction of property, rioting, looting and provoking the . . .

Critic slams minister for New Year's Eve story
Rev. Austin Miles
January 1, 2015

ANTIOCH, CA (12/31/14-NEW YEAR'S EVE: The ink was not even dry on my New Year's Eve story published earlier today, when an email was fired off objecting to my . . .

Edgy petitions for new year
Rev. Austin Miles
December 31, 2014

WALNUT CREEK, CA (12/31/14-NEW YEARS EVE – It was ASTONISHING to see the crowd packing into the club house last evening for an invitational Christmas/New . . .

Buffalo herd reacts to wedding
Rev. Austin Miles
December 29, 2014

FREMONT, CA (12/28/14) Animals, both big and small, are very attuned to the spiritual world and yes, to God Himself. That is not exaggerated. I once had a . . .

Christmas feature: Santa's surprising origins
Rev. Austin Miles
December 24, 2014

MYRA – (Editor's Note: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, . . .

Christmas or holiday cards to politicians?
Rev. Austin Miles
December 20, 2014

Approaching the holidays, once again, the difficulties arise as we attempt to wish each other Seasons Greetings without making anyone mad. It is so touchy that . . .

Pope agrees--dogs go to heaven!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 15, 2014

ROME 12/14/14 – At last I can totally agree with a current Papal Proclamation. OK-OK it is not officially a proclamation but it might as well be since . . .

Candy cane monster strikes soaked California
Rev. Austin Miles
December 12, 2014

SAN FRANCISCO-12/11/14 – As everyone must know by now, California is practically underwater with fierce rains not usually seen in The Golden State. In . . .

State violates church separation "law"
Rev. Austin Miles
December 9, 2014

Obama's greatest ally is the Marxist ACLU which carries a loaded pen ready to fire off a brief at any expression of Christian activity that might be seen or . . .

Don't tell others to be compassionate--adopt a thug
Rev. Austin Miles
December 3, 2014

From the mid-west to the Middle East, efforts, are being made to tear up America. Blacks in Ferguson, Missouri, under Communist leadership, went on a rampage . . .

Obama rated 5th best president in our history
Rev. Austin Miles
November 30, 2014

COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS (11/28/14) – When frequent contributor Rev. Ed Berkey (retired) sent me this in an email, like you, I yelled out a loud – WHAT . . .

How many sex partners? YOU???
Rev. Austin Miles
November 27, 2014

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (11/26/14) – When newlyweds have that first night together – at least that is the way it was at one time – there were six . . .

U.S. citizens' indentured servitude!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 20, 2014

SAN MATEO, CA (11/18/14)--Indentured Servitude is a phrase seldom used today. It is time to re-introduce it and put it boldly front and center since it's . . .

Founders: were they or were they NOT??
Rev. Austin Miles
November 14, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C.-11/13/14 – In an effort to relegate our history and our Constitution into the PC dust heap, The Founding Fathers are being trashed by . . .

Obama castrated--the people spoke!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 6, 2014

At last the people, have spoken. Republicans are now in control of the Senate and The House for the first time since 1940. Back then there was a decency in . . .

Blazing politics--the devil you say!
Rev. Austin Miles
November 3, 2014

Beware the Ides of Tuesday! The election is upon us. Like the gup spewing from the exploding volcano in Hawaii creeping toward the town of Pahoa to ensnare it . . .

Politics and Halloween--the perfect match
Rev. Austin Miles
November 1, 2014

Here is the intent: If Obama's scheme makes it through, there will be no further Presidential elections. This has been planned for a long, long time. One thing . . .

New clothes without an emperor
Rev. Austin Miles
October 31, 2014

An empty suit occupies The Oval Office and has managed to drive America to the edge of the cliff to push us over, and he will if he is not removed from . . .

Surprising Sheriff Joe info
Rev. Austin Miles
October 30, 2014

MARICOPA COUNTY, AR (10/28/14) – Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona, labeled, America's Toughest Sheriff, is spotlighted in my upcoming book, Angels Unawares-4 . . .

How dead is brain dead?
Rev. Austin Miles
October 27, 2014

OAKLAND, CA (10/26/14) – An issue dominating the news is a diagnosis called, "Brain Dead." This too-long awaited discussion topic has been brought into . . .

Chaplain's certification ceremony in California
Rev. Austin Miles
October 23, 2014

ANTIOCH,CA (10/19/14) – During a formal ceremony held in Antioch Covenant Church, nine chaplains were duly certified to serve their communities. This . . .

Chimps made a monkey out of me
Rev. Austin Miles
October 14, 2014

Attention Readers: As you know, my book, Angels Unawares-4 Legged Ones, with the subtitle: What the Church Didn't Teach Me I Learned From My Poodle, was . . .

Abolishing death penalty for animals
Rev. Austin Miles
October 9, 2014

MARTINEZ,CA (10/8/14) – Defendants who have done absolutely no wrong, offering nothing but love and service to those who need them, suddenly find . . .

Islam--Religion of peace? Read the book!!
Rev. Austin Miles
October 6, 2014

To KNOW what a religion is about, read their 'sacred' book. If you do not, you can be caught totally unprepared for destructive surprises such as September 11,  . . .

WW II vet's letter to Obama
Rev. Austin Miles
October 5, 2014

This letter from a WW II veteran and a Pearl Harbor Survivor has made the rounds. He died at the age of 96 on Tuesday, May 17, 2011. Obama had been in office . . .

"Strangest" little known Major League catcher
Rev. Austin Miles
September 28, 2014

It is amazing how little we actually know about people we think we know, or know of. Bob and Geri Boyd, hosts of the excellent national radio program, Issues in . . .

BOOK REVIEW! Lutheran Bible Companion
Rev. Austin Miles
September 24, 2014

Becoming educated about all essential things is the duty of all who would contribute the most to the world. These essentail things include knowledge of The . . .

Public schools quietly drugging students
Rev. Austin Miles
September 22, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. (9/21/14) – This outrageous government action has been taking place right under the parent's noses. It was brought out years ago by . . .

Ferguson shooting--the rest of the story
Rev. Austin Miles
September 21, 2014

FERGUSON,MO (9/19/14) – Are you as sick and tired as I am of seeing daily "news" references to the Ferguson, Missouri shooting, proclaiming that a WHITE . . .

Senate chaplain's censored 9/11 prayer
Rev. Austin Miles
September 13, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. (9/11/14) This morning a special 9/11 ceremony was held in Statuary Hall in the Capitol featuring the awarding of Gold Medals for heroes of 9/ . . .

ISIS-Islam-The Koran and 9/11
Rev. Austin Miles
September 10, 2014

Frequent contributor, Rev.Ed Berkey (Retired) sent us a wonderfully written public letter from an American Airlines pilot. The only part I would disagree . . .

Cal Gov slips $1.6 BILLION to Common Core promoters!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 6, 2014

SACRAMENTO,CA (9/4/14) – The ancient Greek philosopher, Protagoras, stated, "Man is the measure of all things." A man of such wisdom no doubt understood . . .

Where are Obama's girlfriends?
Rev. Austin Miles
September 2, 2014

How much value would a degree from Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, or the University of California be if suddenly there would be no entrance exam, tuition, . . .

Obama vacations while Marine rots in Mexican jail!
Rev. Austin Miles
September 1, 2014

LABOR DAY WEEKEND (7/31/14) – As Americans celebrate Labor Day with partying, barbecuing, and visiting with family, one American [who] will be NOT be with . . .

Military nixes (legal) marijuana on bases
Rev. Austin Miles
August 29, 2014

Obama has managed to abolish God from the military, forbidding military chaplains to say the name "Jesus" in chapel services and at funerals, has reshuffled the . . .

BOOK REVIEW: God laughed
Rev. Austin Miles
August 27, 2014

It has often been said that "God has a sense of humor." He must have to have This reviewer has often chuckled over a curiosity in The Bible, such . . .

Marxism, Satanism and Obama
Rev. Austin Miles
August 25, 2014

Does anybody know what Marxism REALLY is? You will be astonished to learn in the story below. Hint: The first thing Marxists do when they overtake a country is . . .

Journalistic malpractice in Ferguson!
Rev. Austin Miles
August 22, 2014

FERGUSON,MO (8/21/14) – The real crime committed in Ferguson, Missouri was the Communist instigation and orchestration of the riots to make this a racist . . .

Phone scammers target injured veterans!
Rev. Austin Miles
August 15, 2014

MARTINEZ, Ca (8/14/14) – The most shameless marketing scheme of all time, driven by people with no conscience whatsoever, targets injured veterans as they . . .

BREAKING! ISIS planning attack on U.S. as Obama golfs
Rev. Austin Miles
August 12, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. (8/11/14) The FBI and U.S. Intelligence officials have warned the White House and Congress of the intent of ISIS ((Islamic State of Iraq . . .

MilesTones: Dumbest university lecture invite EVER!
Rev. Austin Miles
August 9, 2014

It is not that the invited lecturer is not well known. On the contrary, Francesco Schettino was the captain of the Costa Concordia, one of the largest . . .

2nd attempt to silence blogger + animal book excerpt
Rev. Austin Miles
August 6, 2014

ANTIOCH, CA-(8/5/14) – Yesterday, while nearing the 3 million visitor count, another attempt was made to shut down my website:, . . .

Tony LaRussa a star of more than baseball
Rev. Austin Miles
August 2, 2014

Tony LaRussa, who has been very much in the news lately, was inducted into the MLB Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York on July 27, 2014. However, he is . . .

MilesTones - in praise of Obama
Rev. Austin Miles
July 29, 2014

Yes, you read that headline correctly. (Brief pause while readers pick themselves up off the floor.) Despite immense criticism for virtually . . .

Serious health risk in eating meat!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 27, 2014

WASHINGTON,D.C. – (7.25/14) – Full disclosure: I stopped eating meat long ago. First of all, as Dr. Doolittle played by Rex Harrison said in . . .

A country founded by geniuses but run by idiots
Rev. Austin Miles
July 18, 2014

This classic analysis was brought to our attention by Frank W. Brown who responded on a blog site with a story about the state of affairs of our government. . . .

Cops killing family pets MUST stop
Rev. Austin Miles
July 14, 2014

A recent disturbing story in World Net Daily should make everyone's blood boil. I know it certainly did that for me.This horrific action must be stopped and . . .

VA personnel steal pain killers from vets
Rev. Austin Miles
July 9, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. (7/9/14) – The best 4th of July celebration of all was the one held on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol. And how good it was to see . . .

Go 4th to D'Souza's "America" - Movie Review
Rev. Austin Miles
July 4, 2014

SAN FRANCISCO,Ca (7/3/14) The best way to celebrate this 4th of July Weekend is to rush to the nearest theater showing Dinesh D'Souza's "America – . . .

Why power grids targeted and by whom - eye opener!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 3, 2014

The Daily Caller headline and story on Monday June 30th inadvertently tells only PART of the story: Hackers Have Quietly Penetrated Over One Thousand Power . . .

Minister's popular website seized, shut down!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 28, 2014

WASHINGTON, DC – Obama does keep his promises. He has let it be known that He intends to control the internet. That would include blogs and websites . . .

Christians suffer in Middle East wars
Rev. Austin Miles
June 23, 2014

BAGHDAD, IRAQ – Whenever Christians are caught in the crossfire of civil wars, (but always in the cross-hairs), Christian Aid Mission is the one . . .

Falsified marriage stats benefit LGBT
Rev. Austin Miles
June 19, 2014

How accurate are the statistics that are published as fact? A major targeted area is, of course, anything Christian, with manipulated stats dedicated to . . .

Obama arresting citizens who criticize him!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 18, 2014

WASHINGTON, DC – While marching America into Communism, Obama, right from the beginning, was not subtle. He told Joe The Plumber that he intends to  . . .

Obama spiritual adviser catches flack
Rev. Austin Miles
June 16, 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Not many people are aware that Obama has a "Spiritual Adviser." The mainstream media has been mostly silent about it leaving only a . . .

Is it OK for Christians to take a drink?
Rev. Austin Miles
June 12, 2014

First, let it be established that The Bible nowhere states that drinking will send you to hell. It might get you there sooner, but the act itself is not listed . . .

MilesTones: racial-gay slurs quarantined
Rev. Austin Miles
June 7, 2014

WASHINGTON,DC – It is now a punishable offense to even THINK politically incorrect views. But to actually SPEAK them is worse, especially racial slurs . . .

Words of prey scramble minds
Rev. Austin Miles
June 3, 2014

We live in a world of increasing Manchurian Candidates, meaning that minds are captured, seduced, brainwashed and programmed to do precisely what those who . . .

No church welcome for young soldier
Rev. Austin Miles
May 26, 2014

MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND-FT. RILEY,Kansas-early 1950s – As the troop train rumbled from Ft. Sheridan, Illinois to Ft. Riley, Kansas, many thoughts were . . .

Paying to be indoctrinated
Rev. Austin Miles
May 24, 2014

The word 'propaganda' is tossed about freely with that word suggesting involuntary indoctrination. And we blame the government and the media for influencing our . . .

God's miracles amidst raging California fires
Rev. Austin Miles
May 22, 2014

BRENTWOOD, California 5/20/14 – We learned about this at a reception given for U.S. Congressional Candidate Tony Amador of California's 9th District, . . .

2nd Amendment WINS in liberal state
Rev. Austin Miles
May 17, 2014

SPOKANE, Washington 5/16/14 – Pastor and Attorney Richard Lee is not one to blink an eye at powerful opposition from the left as he defends Constitutional . . .

The empty cupboard and a mother's faith
Rev. Austin Miles
May 10, 2014

(When this tribute was first published a year ago, the touching responses were such that it has become a permanent part of the Mother's Day celebration, which . . .

Efrem Zimbalist Jr. dead at 95
Rev. Austin Miles
May 5, 2014

SOLVANG, California – Efrem Zimbalist Jr., the suave film star with the beautiful cultured resonant voice, who starred on the popular TV series, 77 Sunset . . .

Planned racism
Rev. Austin Miles
May 4, 2014

LOS ANGELES,California (5/3/14 – The most vilified person on the planet at this moment is Donald Sterling, a very rich man who has been the owner of the L . . .

Hated for all the right reasons
Rev. Austin Miles
April 28, 2014

ANTIOCH, California 4/27/14 – When leaving my place outside New York to travel to Antioch, California, a part of that journey includes a visit to Antioch . . .

Intellectual stupidity !
Rev. Austin Miles
April 25, 2014

Would a gifted artist create a masterpiece, then splash a bucket of paint on it? That not only would prevent the painting from hanging in a prestigious salon . . .

Brain-bending: atheist and Christian views on life compared
Rev. Austin Miles
April 23, 2014

Are Christians and atheists at opposite ends of the pole or is it a simple matter of up and down? Is one system at the top of the pyramid or the bottom of . . .

Easter special--how Jesus might look back at the cross
Rev. Austin Miles
April 19, 2014

Note to Readers: When this story was first written in the late 1990s it immediately hit a responsive chord, was published world-wide, and has been an annual . . .

Fed's attempted Nevada land grab a test
Rev. Austin Miles
April 17, 2014

CLARK COUNTY NEVADA – This past week the government attempted to hijack The Cliven Bundy Ranch, a family farm that had been in existence for 140 years . . .

Rev. Austin Miles
April 13, 2014

Why is the world in such incredible disarray and chaos? Simple. According to an explosive book, it is due to the deliberate skillfully managed disinformation . . .

Doc sez "I correct God's mistakes" (?)
Rev. Austin Miles
April 8, 2014

BUSAN, South Korea – This is the most arrogant statement ever uttered by any human being not caught up in Noah's flood but no doubt would have been . . .

Noah's ark hijacked by atheist pirates
Rev. Austin Miles
April 3, 2014

LOS ANGELES, California – It is time to deal with Hollywood producers who misappropriate biblical names to deceive believers in God to trust that their . . .

God's Not Dead a Hit--with ALL
Rev. Austin Miles
March 31, 2014

BRENTWOOD,California (3/29/14) – The last time I heard applause during a film was for Donald O'Conner's wonderful "Make 'em Laugh" number to cheer up his . . .

God now a physicist hacker???
Rev. Austin Miles
March 25, 2014

STANFORD UNIVERSITY, California (3/24/14) – Reading the news is a unique adventure these days. It can be a bit entertaining to maybe nibble on, but . . .

Phenomenal young Phantom star
Rev. Austin Miles
March 11, 2014

ANTIOCH,California (3/9/14) – Many Phantoms of the Opera have graced the world stages. The youngest actor of all to play that demanding role just took his . . .

Roadshow gets audience IN THE MOOD
Rev. Austin Miles
March 8, 2014

ANTIOCH,California (3/5/14) – Leaving my home outside New York to come to Antioch, California to visit minister-author Ron Partain, I was surprised by a . . .

Talking parrot solves murder case
Rev. Austin Miles
March 6, 2014

AGRA, India (3/4/14) – It was not a stool pigeon that brought about the undoing of a murderer, but a talking parrot named, Hercule. Recently in India, . . .

The prayer of a clown
Rev. Austin Miles
February 22, 2014

WEST ASHEVILLE, North Carolina – Have you ever heard someone say this about an individual? "Ah, he doesn't have a prayer." That could be about someone . . .

Sochi's heartless killing of dogs - U.S. Olympian takes stand
Rev. Austin Miles
February 16, 2014

SOCHI, Russia – It was shocking to learn that Russian authorities have ordered that all stray dogs in the vicinity of Olympic Village (which includes many . . .

MilesTones - naked church bares more than souls
Rev. Austin Miles
February 13, 2014

BUT FIRST – Minister's Puzzling Black Eye. I wanted to wear dark glasses to church this last Sunday, but Shirley said that wearing them would just call . . .

Flags at half mast--full honors funeral for K-9
Rev. Austin Miles
February 7, 2014

PITTSBURGH, Pa (1/7/14). The humanity of dogs was spectacularly confirmed this morning when a full fledged funeral was conducted for Rocco, a K-9 Officer . . .

TVs Animal Planet - cruel fakery for money
Rev. Austin Miles
February 6, 2014

Animal lovers rejoiced when the new network, Animal Planet, made its debut. It originally showed the beauty of the animal world with such personalities as Steve . . .

No animals harmed in filming?
Rev. Austin Miles
February 2, 2014

At the end of films using animals, a comforting notice is flashed on screen with an American Humane Association's (AHA) "No Animals were Harmed" credit. Those . . .

MilesTones: Global warning certainty - newspapers' usefulness - end of life decisions
Rev. Austin Miles
January 26, 2014

The Dotted Lines: As you know, California is experiencing its greatest drought in history. It is so dry out here that we received a letter from L.A. and the . . .

MilesTones - Vital recall notice
Rev. Austin Miles
January 22, 2014

(Note to readers: This recall notice should be instantly and earnestly acted upon since it affects the very lives and being of of every living thing on earth.) . . .

Auctioning a license to kill!
Rev. Austin Miles
January 18, 2014

"Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself." James Anthony Froude . . .

Indiscriminate police killings of family dogs
Rev. Austin Miles
January 16, 2014

Outrage is growing over the shootings of beloved family pets by police officers who have stormed into homes, oft times with a wrong address, and quickly kill . . .

Wild animal hospital unlike any other
Rev. Austin Miles
January 7, 2014

WALNUT CREEK, Ca. The word undoubtedly had spread through the woods that our backyard was animal friendly territory. Many visitors have come through including a . . .

BREAKING! The Mark Now implemented!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 28, 2013

"No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding . . .

Part 3 - Conclusion-Tchaikovsky
Rev. Austin Miles
December 27, 2013

Part 2 covered the desperate fight Tchaikovsky had against his sexual orientation. We now cover the one woman that the composer deeply loved and might have well . . .

Santa's surprising origins
Rev. Austin Miles
December 24, 2013

MYRA – (Editor's Note: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, . . .

Part 2--Tchaikovsky's torment
Rev. Austin Miles
December 23, 2013

Part one left off with the torment of the death of his mother that he talked about openly. Now we come to the torment that he could not speak of openly, . . .

Tchaikovsky--the conflicted genius
Rev. Austin Miles
December 21, 2013

SAN FRANCISCO. As Christmas approaches, it is to be noted that a couple of days ago, December 18th to be exact, was the day in 1892 that The Nutcracker Ballet  . . .

It's true--a sow's ear into a pink purse!
Rev. Austin Miles
December 20, 2013

BETHLEHEM. There are those who uglify the world. (That sentence introduces a new word, courtesy of MilesTones.) They uglify cities, roadways, the neighborhoods . . .

When you have wronged someone
Rev. Austin Miles
December 16, 2013

(Below is a very personal message from Rev. Austin Miles that will surprise many. And this is a public apology to the memory of the late Rev. Len Evans)  . . .

BOOK REVIEW: The New Sociology of Knowledge
Rev. Austin Miles
December 11, 2013

Those with a scholarly bent are invited to an intellectual barbeque prepared by Transaction Publishers. Here is where the definitive books on every issue of . . .

MilesTones - Macy's-kinky boots and Santa
Rev. Austin Miles
December 2, 2013

NEW YORK, NEW YORK.(12/1/13) So what does transvestites in kinky boots have to do with Thanksgiving and Macy's Department Store? Let's begin with the history of . . .

Ugg Boots-fur-suffering and Lady Gaga
Rev. Austin Miles
November 28, 2013

Warning to readers. There are specific references to the fur and UGG Boot businesses and how those furs are obtained. Even though extremely disturbing, this . . .

So you want to be a celebrity
Rev. Austin Miles
November 18, 2013

There was a time when being a celebrity was a highly privileged position. Those in that category were treated like royalty and respected. They were under strict . . .

MilesTones - playing billiards with David Hume
Rev. Austin Miles
November 12, 2013

I became obsessed with the idea of playing a game of billiards with the late philosopher David Hume. But how? I stopped in the Los Medanos College Laboratory . . .

MilesTones - trillion dollars no big deal for Obama +
Rev. Austin Miles
November 6, 2013

To put that amount of money into seconds brings it into focus. A million seconds is 12 days, while a billion seconds is 31 years. A trillion seconds, now hold . . .

MilesTones - A new and improved Ten Commandments
Rev. Austin Miles
November 1, 2013

Jerry Newcombe's current story, A Secular 10 Commandments ( index.php/more/469 ) unlocked the recesses of deep thought from years . . .

Sticker shock! A BillionBucks to PROMOTE Obamacare +
Rev. Austin Miles
October 30, 2013

While the Obama Administration pathetically pleads the need to "cut back" on government spending due to the orchestrated shutdown, Mr. Obama, to sincerely . . .

MilesTones - Obama dictates "girly hats" for military
Rev. Austin Miles
October 28, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. Earlier we reported that Nancy Pelosi, determined to ramrod through the 2,014 page Obamacare Bill that nobody had read, famously said, "Look, . . .

MilesTones - cocked eyebrow tidbits
Rev. Austin Miles
October 24, 2013

ANTIOCH,Ca. (10/22/13) Outrage arose yesterday during a walk while encountering a young woman named Erika with her dog, Nala. the outrage was not at . . .

MilesTones - Washington Redskins name flap resolved +
Rev. Austin Miles
October 19, 2013

Carol Lee Olson, the popular Senior Columnist for the Contra Costa Times just forwarded a news item of interest: Team Folds Under Pressure And Changes . . .

BOOK REVIEW - The Disunity of American Culture
Rev. Austin Miles
October 14, 2013

Philosopher Immanuel Kant was so startled by reading David Hume's "An Inquiry Concerning the Human Understanding," that 'it awakened him from his dogmatic . . .

Nobel Prize to deny God? Yep
Rev. Austin Miles
October 10, 2013

STOCKHOLM – Another strange Nobel Prize has just been awarded, this time to two scientists whose goal it was and is, to deny God. The atheists have . . .

Why study philosophy?
Rev. Austin Miles
October 8, 2013

Philosophers are usually pictured as bearded older men. Perhaps the enthusiastic acceptance of this writer into the university course was to give the class some . . .

Bob & Geri Boyd--voices of clarity amidst chaos
Rev. Austin Miles
October 1, 2013

IRONY: The U.S Dept. of Agriculture is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever, to 40 million people. Meanwhile, the National Park . . .

Church bombing in Pakistan followed by earthquake - coincident?
Rev. Austin Miles
September 26, 2013

PESHAWAR, Pakistan 9/25/13) It is time for Muslims to get a clue. As the attacks on America and especially upon Christians and their churches by Islamic nations . . .

MilesTones - Rev. Austin Miles remembered
Rev. Austin Miles
September 22, 2013

It was expected. Today, September 22, 2013, the bridge was crossed by the widely published writer, author of three books and host of the website: www . . .

MilesTones - new scientific explanation for human origins
Rev. Austin Miles
September 19, 2013

According to scientific geniuses (who poo-poo Creationism), human life did not originate from God or even the Big Bang, get this..."by a dirty . . .

Track chaplain sounds off about street racing
Rev. Austin Miles
September 18, 2013

ANTIOCH,California (9/16/13) Three nights ago, Friday the 13th, a tragic event took place. Tragic because it took the life of a teenager. On Hillcrest Avenue . . .

Social injustice because someone succeeds?
Rev. Austin Miles
September 16, 2013

Social Justice means that people who work and succeed must accept that they are selfish and be compelled to share their wealth with those who do not. It is . . .

Heroes of 9/11 - including spectacular 4 legged one
Rev. Austin Miles
September 12, 2013

NEW YORK CITY (9/11/13) When the surprise unprovoked attacks exploded on September 11, 2001, many could not help but snatch some of the feelings President . . .

Did the Bible predict 9/11? Must we forgive?
Rev. Austin Miles
September 10, 2013

NEW YORK CITY (9/9/13) The surprise attacks on September 11, 2001 spawned many questions, debates, theories and 'what ifs' from a bewildered America. Those . . .

MilesTones: Wild West-new bridge-global warming-looking up
Rev. Austin Miles
September 7, 2013

The reason for no columns during the past 2 weeks – MilesTones was stuck in San Francisco traffic. When the first cars went over the new Bay Bridge they . . .

Do dogs go to heaven?
Rev. Austin Miles
August 29, 2013

This thought cannot help but seep in when a beloved dog dies. The probing question cannot be restrained, nor should it be. And knowing what The Bible says . . .

BOOK REVIEW: Restricting Freedoms
Rev. Austin Miles
August 23, 2013

When everybody has freedom, nobody has freedom. The above thought, long held by this reviewer, is evident in the new Transaction Publishers release,  . . .

BREAKING! Verdict In for Rev. Austin Miles
Rev. Austin Miles
August 14, 2013

DANVILLE, California 8/13/13. It has been an agonizingly tough week waiting for the jury's decision. The evidence concerning me is solid and would be difficult . . .

Left brain vs. right brain dilemma
Rev. Austin Miles
August 9, 2013

Critical thinkers, take note as we begin with caution. Neurosciences recognize that their discipline, the study of the nervous system headquartered in the . . .

In search of our closest relatives
Rev. Austin Miles
July 31, 2013

It must be true. It is taught in all university anthropology classes, high school biology classes and declared on The History Channel and documentaries . . .

BOOK REVIEW: The Genesis One Code
Rev. Austin Miles
July 26, 2013

To be let down, especially with planted expectations, is disconcerting as well as disappointing. (PR Firm) notified us that their book The Genesis One Code . . .

Do animals grieve? You bet!
Rev. Austin Miles
July 22, 2013

WALNUT CREEK, Ca. It must be remembered that animals feel the exact same things, physically and emotionally, that humans feel. That includes dread of pain, . . .

U.C.Berkeley does not actually exist! (?)
Rev. Austin Miles
July 16, 2013

BERKELEY, California. Dilbert is a comic strip that can not be taken for granted. Each day the reader will be hit with an unexpected zinger that can . . .

Do God and evolution mix?
Rev. Austin Miles
July 12, 2013

Martinez Hewlett, a molecular virologist professor from the University of Arizona, gave a lecture titled, "A God For Evolution," at Los Medanos College's Little . . .

Is critical thinking no longer P.C.?
Rev. Austin Miles
July 6, 2013

In days long past they were called, "Philosophers." The term engendered respect toward those hearty individuals upon whom the title was bestowed. A . . .

Joel Osteen with Nik Wallenda at Canyon Walk
Rev. Austin Miles
June 26, 2013

Nik Wallenda is a true megastar. Not for effectively portraying others on the big screen, but by simply being himself. He is a highly skilled performer . . .

"The Serpentine Wall" outs separation myth
Rev. Austin Miles
June 17, 2013

The grossly manipulated "Wall of Separation between Church and State" is the most colossal fraud ever perpetrated upon The United States of America.  . . .

Big Bang created us? Surprise ending!
Rev. Austin Miles
June 11, 2013

The theory of gasses forming in the spacial universe that clashed and exploded, resulting in the earth, life, the human body including the intricacies of the . . .

Freud's faulty marriage concept
Rev. Austin Miles
June 5, 2013

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychiatry based every relationship and experience on sex...not sex fulfillment, but suppressed sex in everything. Yep, It is a . . .

MilesTones: operatic cat photo delights world
Rev. Austin Miles
June 2, 2013

WALNUT CREEK, Ca. Carol Lee Olson, a columnist for the Contra Costa Times (published in Northern California) provided the photograph taken by cellphone that . . .

Glaring omission in Memorial Day services
Rev. Austin Miles
May 27, 2013

BRENTWOOD,California-Memorial Day-2013. It was not deliberate or intentional. This writer just became aware of it on this Memorial Day while preparing a . . .

Actress Christine White dies at 86
Rev. Austin Miles
May 21, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. Actress Christine White died on April 14, 2013 at Brinton Woods Nursing Home in Washington, D.C. but news of her passing was delayed until a . . .

IRS targeting not new says minister
Rev. Austin Miles
May 20, 2013

The IRS bullying tactics currently in the news is not a new thing. This individual, targeted by the U.S. version of the KGB, learned that the IRS is totally . . .

Book sales surged after "Lincoln"
Rev. Austin Miles
May 16, 2013

Hollywood films eject a powerful impact that influences the world. As incredible as it may seem, sometimes that influence is for the good. To prove that . . .

The empty cupboard and a mother's faith
Rev. Austin Miles
May 9, 2013

The sights and sounds of Christmas were everywhere, twinkling lights in windows, music of the season in the background along with the sounds of happy children. . . .

CAUTION! Death panels launch PR campaign
Rev. Austin Miles
May 6, 2013

WALNUT CREEK,CA – Obama supporters huffed, puffed and jeered when Sarah Palin suggested that the new Obamacare plan would have death panels to decide . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

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